Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs

علاج جرب الأذن والتهابات الأذن للقطط والكلاب -

Have you noticed that your pet is constantly shaking his head? Or is he trying to scratch her? Or you notice strange discharge in the ear or on the surrounding skin, or you suspect that there is something strange in the ear. Here you go, my dear...

Many pet clinic specialists have said that they see ear mites or ear scabs and ear infections fairly frequently and on a fairly regular basis, but most of the time, most owners do not know that their pet is infected because they do not see the parasites or fungi with the naked eye.

It is necessary to take the pet to present it to the veterinarian to take appropriate measures and follow methods Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs.

Ear scabies in cats and dogs

Auricular mange, also known as “ear mites,” is a type of external parasite that is fairly common in household pets. A female ear mite can lay up to five eggs per day in your pet's ear, and these mites can live for 21 days. 

The most common type of ear mange is otodectes cynotis, which eats the remains of skin and oil in your pet's ear to linger.

It is good that ear mites or scabies are rarely transmitted to humans, but if they do happen, they cause minor and mild symptoms such as:

  • The rash is brief and passes quickly.

But it is not a good thing that cats and dogs can transmit ear mites to other puppies and other cats, and dear pet owner, if you want to get a new pet, you should check its ears for tags of mange or infection. Especially if the pet is an animal raised in an outdoor environment.

In order to protect your pets from scabies and ear infections, you must: Check your pet's ears regularly to ensure that there is no odor, residue, redness, swelling, or other symptoms, and if so, follow your veterinarian's advice in Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs It may reduce the aggravation of this problem.

Causes of scabies in cats and dogs 

Knowing the causes of ear infections in cats and dogs is an essential and important step in determining the type Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs It also prevents infections inside the ear from spreading and becoming more serious, as untreated infections in cats or dogs may lead to hearing loss and constant discomfort for your cat or dog.

The causes of ear infections in cats and dogs are:

  • Immune system diseases 

  • If your pet has a weakened immune system, allergies, diabetes, or other health Disorders , he or she will be more susceptible to ear infections than cats and dogs who are generally healthier.

  • Wax buildup inside the ear

  • Wax accumulation may be a cause of ear infections, and if the ear is cleaned incorrectly, it is a bigger disaster and increases the infections. If a foreign body is found lodged in the ear canal, it also causes ear damage and inflammation.

  • The presence of fungi and bacteria 

  • Leaving microorganisms or excessive growth of bacteria, yeast, or both unused Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs It causes infections in the pet's middle and outer ear. In cats, ear mite infestation is the most common cause of external ear infections 

    • Allergies and other causes 

    Ear infections or ear mite infestations increase in the summer and spring, and pollen, food, and allergens may damage the animal's ear, as well as the presence of hair in the ear.

    The presence of benign tumors or tumors in the ear canal, diabetes, ruptured eardrum, and autoimmune diseases are also among the causes of ear infections in cats and dogs.

    Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs

    Usually the answer is how to treat Ear scabies and ear infections for cats and dogs It is clear and consists of several steps followed by the veterinarian supervising the pet’s condition, which are:

    • Trim the fur around your cat's ear canal to help keep it clean and dry.
    • Or use antibiotics, corticosteroids, antifungals, or antiparasitics in the form of ear drops, orally, or by injection to clear the infection.

    Early treatment of the infection is also essential to avoid increasing the severity of the infection, which may lead to recurring chronic ear infections in cats and dogs or even facial paralysis and hearing loss.

    Among the most famous and effective treatments that are recommended by veterinarians and are available by clicking on them are:

    Ilium Air Drops

    It is antifungal, antimicrobial, anticoccidiostatic and antiparasitic, and is used in the treatment of... Ear scabies and ear infections for cats and dogs. Ilium's effect on bacterial ear infections is also effective in eliminating severe bacterial infections in the ears of cats and dogs. It has proven effective in cleaning wet and waxy ears and getting rid of secretions and bad odor.

    Ilium ear and skin suspension 

    Ilium Suspension is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal solution. Ilium Suspension is used in horses, dogs and cats. Ilium suspension is also used to treat otitis externa, and skin infections caused by fungi, yeast, and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Before using it, it is preferable to cut or cover the hair surrounding the lesions, then apply it to the affected area and rub it.

    Troy Air Canker Drop

    Troy Air Canker ear drops are the best treatment for ear infections for dogs and cats. Troy Air Canker drops are used to treat ear ulcers, and also in Treatment of ear mange and ear infections for cats and dogs, It also cleans and helps prevent ear infections in dogs and cats, helps soothe itching, prevent infections, treats infections, and protects pets’ ears from ear infections.

    AYulium Tabogen is suspended

    Ilium tubogen is an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, oil suspension for dogs and cats. For use in sensitive skin and ear infections requiring antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects in dogs and cats. Apply twice daily to the affected area or as directed by your veterinary surgeon.

    Osil ointment

    Osil ointment is a treatment Ear scabies and ear infections for cats and dogsIt is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal for the ears of dogs and cats. It is used to treat dogs and cats with otitis media and dermatitis in the external auditory canal caused by bacteria, fungi, and mites.


    Mitex is an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic ear drop used for dogs and cats, and is used to treat otitis externa caused by fungi, bacteria and parasites.


    Auricular mange, also known as “ear mites,” is a type of external parasite that is fairly common in household pets. This requires; Use a remedy Ear scabies and ear infections for cats and dogs Which consists of: Troy Air Canker Drop، Ilium tabogen is suspended، Ilium Air Drops، Ilium ear and skin suspension، Osil ointment، mitex.


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