The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock

افضل علاج جلدي موضعي للكلاب والقطط والخيول والماشيه -

Animal skin constitutes a valuable economic wealth for humans. It is also one of the largest animal organs, as it covers the entire body. The skin also serves as the first line of defense for animals from being infected with parasites or being exposed to insect invasion and other things...

The skin also regulates the body temperature of animals, as it serves as a protective cover for them from the heat of the sun or the cold weather.

Any injury or damage to the skin or fur of animals reduces, firstly, the economic and commercial value of the skin when used by humans, and secondly: the animal feels uncomfortable, calm, and itchy, and it also becomes an opportunity for bacteria to penetrate the skin and infect it with many diseases. Therefore; Every breeder must own The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock Due to any emergency circumstances.

Dermatitis in dogs

Skin problems are fairly common, but are more common in the warmer seasons and cause pain, itching and discomfort for the pet and require The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock.

Causes of dermatitis in dogs and animals 

There are many reasons, but the most common cause of skin infections in animals is their exposure to:

  • Environmental sensitivity

  • It is caused by the animal's exposure to substances that cause allergies, such as: pollen, grass, and dust mites.

  • Food allergy

  • Dogs can develop and show tags allergies due to the type of protein they consume in their diet.

  • folliculitis

  • Inflammation of hair follicles is often confused by the presence of skin inflammations resulting from infection.

  • Scabies

  • Herpes lesions appear on the dog's abdomen in the form of blisters, which can burst and leave crusts in their place.

  • Ringworm of the scalp

  • It is a fungus that is contagious from animals to humans and vice versa, as well as between animals.

  • Ticks, fleas and scabies

  • As a result of insects and parasites invading and eating the skin, causing infections.

    The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock

    To ensure that the animal has good, healthy skin, hair and fur, free of infections, sores, itching and pain on you; By examining the skin of your pets, livestock or horses every now and then to avoid any serious damage to it.

    But if you see that there is a deep wound, itching, or skin ulcers, use... The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock The solution may be to get rid of that and more.

    It is good that there are many topical skin treatments to suit all animals, and also to be easy to use, some of them are; Light creams that are quickly absorbed by the skin and skin, including ointments and sprays. This includes products such as:

    ilium Neocort 

    ilium Neocort is considered The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock. It is a topical antibiotic cream that contains neomycin, and it is also an anti-inflammatory. Because it contains hydrocortisone, it also contains a local anesthetic.

    It is used in the treatment of skin conditions caused by organisms sensitive to neomycin, and in cases where an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect is desired.

    Powder spray for wounds

    Powder spray is used to protect and care for sensitive skin, for example: between the groin area. It relieves itching and friction. Animals become calmer and more relaxed. Supports the natural regeneration of the skin and coat. The powder contained dries the sprayed skin area. No antibiotics, no waiting time, no requirements. documentation.

    Acrisulf ointment

    It is an antibacterial wound healing ointment that provides a safe and effective way to treat superficial wounds and burns and relieves pain and discomfort. It is applied regularly to infected wound areas and is for external use on animals only.


    Sydental is a The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestockIt is suitable for all wounds, and prevents infection and the formation of larvae in wounds. The wound must be cleaned, washed and dried well, then the product is applied abundantly to the wound site.

    Canin cream 

    This cream is a perfect blend of topical steroid that works like magic on the skin. It is an antifungal that works like magic on the skin. Canine Cream is useful in managing severe skin infections.


    The mist spray is an aluminum spray for wounds, and it is used to treat, disinfect, clean and sterilize wounds. The mist spray also speeds up wound healing and protects them from contamination.


    It is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal, so; he The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock. It is also a treatment for skin diseases such as eczema, wounds, and burns, and is used to reduce irritation and edema.

    Fusaderm cream

    Fusaderm cream is an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, and is used to treat bacterial skin infections such as: impetigo and infected dermatitis. This medicine is intended for external use only.

    fungal spray

    It is a natural product used to treat all skin diseases that affect animals, such as: fungal infections, ringworm, scabies, itching, and eczema.

    The container must be shaken well before use, then cleaned and dried the affected area, and sprayed daily or as directed by the doctor.

    I love you, Yam

    The ointment has a fungicidal and bactericidal effect The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock. The ointment base also facilitates the penetration of the active components of the drug into the skin, where they kill pathogens located throughout the thickness of the lesion.

    F10 Geramicidal Barrier

    It is an antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial cream, an effective alternative to topical antibiotic treatment, proven safe in humans and animals (even cats), contains glycerin and lanolin and provides high levels of safe and effective skin care.

    Ibigo Gel

    Epigo works to form a thin layer on the skin by: Thanks to the hyaluronic acid it contains, it contributes to making the skin hydrated. It also accelerates the healing process and restoration of the affected area. It also has an effective role in reducing the scar in the affected area. It may be used in cases of severe wounds, surgical incisions, and skin ulcers.

    Derma Gel

    Derma Gel is the most trusted wound care product worldwide. Derma Gel is bactericidal and antibacterial. It is free from cytotoxicity or any irritant effect on epithelial cells and is unique in that it plays an effective role in quickly regrowing hair with its original color.


     MANGE-HEAL is used in cattle, sheep and camels, making it The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestockIt is an ointment used to treat scabies, as well as external insects of all different types.

    Before applying it to the affected area, you must remove the hair or fur from that area, then wash it well with soap and water, then dry it, and finally apply this ointment.


    Animal skin serves as the first line of defense for animals from being infected with parasites or being exposed to insect invasion and other...

    The skin also regulates the body temperature of animals, as it serves as a protective cover for them from the heat of the sun or the cold weather.

    Inflicting any harm or damage on the skin or fur of animals that requires eating them The best topical skin treatment for dogs, cats, horses and livestock.


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