Sheep pox

جدري الاغنام -


It is one of the most important diseases that affect sheep and sheep, as it is considered one of the acute and highly contagious viral diseases that affect sheep, in the form of fever and a rash that spreads to the skin and the mucous membranes of the nose as well, which leads to inflammation with respiratory symptoms.

Sheeppox is one of the most important types of smallpox spread among animals, as it is considered one of the dangers that cause the collapse of the economy of countries that depend on production returning from them such as leather, meat and wool, and the percentage of losses may reach from 30%-50%. Sheep pox has spread since 1763 AD, and it is well known that sheep pox is a viral disease caused by a virus, as this virus belongs to the Box feridi family group, which is considered one of the largest viruses in size and is closely related to the Neethling virus, and the disease is transmitted by mere direct contact between infected sheep or next to sheep that have recovered from the disease. The disease is transmitted indirectly, by inhaling contaminated droplets or the tools used for their breeding or means of transportation. The main source of infection from the virus is skin rashes and respiratory droplets of infected sheep.

Direct losses

It is represented in the high mortality rate, especially in young sheep, abortion or excretion in pregnant ewes, and the low material value of leather and wool.
Indirect losses: mainly represented in the costs of fighting the disease, the decline in production capacity, and the obstacles to marketing and exporting animals


Viruses generally have no cure... but smallpox is the largest known virus on the surface of the earth and contains binary DNA... research has stated that it responds to oxytetracycline... so long-acting Oxy can be used to treat it with a repeat every two days 3 times (every 48 hour dose) a direct treatment and as a treatment for secondary infections that follow

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