Ceftionel 50
66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Seftionil Seftionil is a powerful and effective antibiotic. Seftionil is used to treat respiratory infections in cows. Dosage and method of use of Seftionil Dosage: 1...
Exabiopen 100 ml
49.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Ixabeubin Ixabeubin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections in cattle, horses, and sheep. Ixabeubin is also used to treat infections. Dosage and method of...
60.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Nova-Genta Amox Nova-Genta Amox is an antibiotic, which contains amoxicillin and gentamicin. Nova-Genta Amox is used to treat pneumonia, diarrhea, enteritis and mastitis in horses, buffalo,...
COUGH Relief 200ml
33.00 د.إ.
Caf relief Dietary supplement that helps prevent respiratory problems. It works as an adjunct treatment with antibiotics in cases of respiratory infections. The animal is helped to take the sufficient...
Carbotek Perfusion Solution 100ml
24.20 د.إ.
Carbotik price and specifications It is used in horses, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and cats in the treatment of metabolic acidosis resulting from a variety of causes (kidney disease, uncontrolled...
Introflor 300 -100ml
93.50 د.إ.
Introflor price and specifications Contains Florfenicol is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria isolated from pets. It is used for the treatment and prevention of...
Vitamin C 100% Methodo 1kg Italy
88.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of vitamin C nutritional supplement Vitamin C is used in cases of high temperature to prevent heat exhaustion. How to use and dosage Poultry: 1 gm per...
SALIX Plus The Natural Way for Animal Health 1L
132.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Salix Plus Premix food supplement for animals. It improves the overall Health of animals. It increases the feed conversion rate for animals. Dosage and method of...
Genta-Tylo 100ml
66.00 د.إ.
Genta Tello price and specifications An antibiotic and anti-inflammatory used in cattle, sheep, goats, camels, dogs, cats and poultry. It is used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases,...
SULFAMYCIN K 1kg for diarrhea, enteritis, and amoebiasis in cattle, horses, sheep, and goats
99.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Sulfamycin for the treatment of colitis Sulfamycin is an antibiotic used to treat diarrhea, enteritis, and amoeba. Sulfamycin is used to treat blood poisoning. It is...
Buta-forte 20ml
385.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Beauta Forte Biota Forte is a bronchodilator and respiratory tract dilator. Biota Forte increases the ability to absorb a sufficient amount of oxygen. Biota Forte also...
Oxtra Long Acting 100ml
55.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Oxtra long-acting Oxtra is a long-acting antibiotic that contains oxytetracycline. Oxtra is used to treat occasional infections such as infections of the bronchial tubes, digestive system,...
Melodone 100ml Anti-inflammatory containing Meloxicam
66.00 د.إ.
Mylodon price and specifications Milodon is an anti-inflammatory that contains meloxicam. Mylodon is used for livestock in cases of acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, and in the treatment of acute mastitis....
Oxydone 20% LA 100ml
33.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Oxidone 20% Ct Oxidon is an antibiotic that contains oxytetracycline. Oxidone is used for sheep, goats, and cows. Oxidone is used to treat shipping fever, wooden tongue,...
OxyClear 100ml
33.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Oxy Clear OxyClear is an antibiotic that contains oxytetracycline. Oxyclear is a broad-spectrum antibiotic against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Oxyclear is used to treat cows and buffaloes....
Triamcinolona 20ml
132.00 د.إ.
Trimequinolone price and specifications It contains cortisone. Trimequinolone is used to treat skin diseases and allergies. Tricanolone is used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is used...
JOTRIL 10% Oral 200ml
27.50 د.إ.
Jotrell price and specifications Gotril is a broad-spectrum antibiotic syrup containing enrofloxacin 10%. Dosage and method of use of Gotril Gotril is not used in sheep producing milk intended for...
MUCOLIN -m 1 liter
66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Myoculin M Myoculin M is a treatment for respiratory infections. Dosage and method of use of Myoculin M Myoculin is not used in laying hens. Myoculin...
Veyxyl LA 20% 100ml
71.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Vixil Ct 20% Vixil is a long-acting antibiotic. It is used to treat bacterial infections, especially respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and gastrointestinal infections. Vixil is...
Uvetril 10% oral 1 liter
66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Euvitril 10% Euvitril 10% is a broad spectrum antibiotic syrup. Euvitril 10% is used in cases of bacterial infections. Dosage and method of use of Euvitril...
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