Superamino 500ml -
Superamino 500ml -
Superamino 500ml -

Superamino 500ml

77.00 د.إ.

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Super Amino price and specifications

  • Super Amino is a source of high levels of amino acids, glucose, and B vitamins, essential elements for the metabolism of exhausted animals.
  • Super Amino is used in cases of severe diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, and blood loss.

Dosage and method of use of Super Amino

  • Super Amino is given as an intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, or subcutaneous injection.
  • Dosage in goats and sheep: 5-10 ml/head/day.
  • Dosage in cows and buffaloes: 10-20 ml/head/day.
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