Sheep and cow medicines

Scourban plus 225ml

49.50 AED
Scourban plus Price and Specifications Scourban plus is a syrup for the treatment and prevention of intestinal infections. Dosage and method of use of Scourban plus  Dosage in lambs: 5...


60.50 AED
Biogen price and specifications  Biogen is a group of enzymes, amino acids, beneficial bacteria, yeasts, and vitamins. Biogen is used to improve digestion, increase food conversion rates, and strengthen immunity....


11.00 AED
Laxavet price and specifications  Laxavet is used to treat indigestion, increased acidity in the stomach and blood. Laxavet is also used for constipation and bloating.  Dosage and method of use...


27.50 AED
Price and specifications of Toxi Plus Extra  Toxi Plus Extra is a laxative, and a rich source of magnesium and sodium. Toxi Plus Extra is used in cattle, sheep, goats,...

Albendaswede 1Liter

33.00 AED
Price and specifications Albendaswede Albendaswede is used to eliminate internal parasites and liver worms. Dosage and method of use of Albendaswede oral. It is not used for dairy animals and...

Bronchial Dilator 60ml

385.00 AED
برونكو ديليتور موسع للشعب موسع للشعب الهوائية وعلاج لضيق الجهاز التنفسي في الخيول. له تأثير مسكن ومهدئ للأمراض التنفسية. يضمن زيادة تدفق الاكسجين للرئة والخلايا والعضلات في الخيول الرياضية الاستخدام...

Alamycin LA 300 100ml

77.00 AED
الامايسين طويل المفعول مضاد حيوي يحتوي على أوكسي تتراسيكلين. يستخدم في مكافحة وعلاج مجموعة واسعة من الالتهابات الجهازية، الجهاز التنفسي والبولية والتي تسببها الكائنات الحية الحساسة للأوكسيتتراسيكلين. يعمل على علاج داء الباستوريلا،...


89.06 AED
Shutabine It is a long-acting injectable suspension containing antibiotics. A broad-spectrum antibacterial against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Effective treatment, effects last for 72 hours. Used to treat bacterial infections...

Antitoxic 100ml

94.29 AED
Antitoxic Antitoxin injection for basic protection for your animals, a reliable solution developed specifically to ensure the health and welfare of animals against poisoning. Developed with high-quality effective ingredients, it...

COUGH Relief 200ml

33.00 AED
Caf relief Dietary supplement that helps prevent respiratory problems. It works as an adjunct treatment with antibiotics in cases of respiratory infections. The animal is helped to take the sufficient...


16.50 AED
Price and specifications of Sulfamethazine for the treatment of intestinal inflammation  Sulfamycin is an antibiotic used to treat diarrhea, enteritis, and amoeba.  Sulfamethoxazole is used to treat blood poisoning. It...

Prednisolone 100ml

275.00 AED
Prednisolone Steroid anti-inflammatory containing Prednisolone. It is used to relieve the pain of arthritis, bones, and allergies. Used for horses and camels. Add it to your cart now.

Dexamethason 2 mg/ml 100ml

135.30 AED
Dexamethasone Anti-inflammatory used in cattle, goats, horses, dogs and cats. It is used in cases of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and as an antipyretic in cases of fever. Used in the treatment...


66.00 AED 44.00 AED
Parfaject An antiprotozoan used to prevent and treat protozoan disease caused by Theileria infection (East Coast fever, Corridor disease, Theileria tropicalis, etc.). Used in cows. How to use and dosage...

SPORISIL For the skin affected by fungal infection 500g

148.50 AED
Price and specifications of Sporizel Topical skin cream with clove essential oil and cetrimide to treat various fungal skin infections as an antifungal.  It has excellent antiseptic and bactericidal properties...

Selepherol 100ml

88.00 AED
siliferol It is used in cases of diseases of the digestive system, metabolism, and selenium formulations In foals, calves and lambs, prevention and treatment of selenium and vitamin E deficiency...

Tekno-B 100ml

60.50 AED
Tecno P price and specifications Techno-B solution for injection is a Antiseptic clear, yellow vitamin solution. Each ml contains 100 mg of Vitamin B1 (Thiamin Hydrochloride) and 10 mg of...

Novamizol analgesic, spasmolytic, antipyretic, anti-rheumatism 100ml

49.50 AED
Novamizole price and specifications Metamizole has analgesic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antirheumatic and mild sedative effect. Analgesic in all types of pain. Antispasmodic in the treatment of intestinal and stomach colic and rumen...

Flutron-FC Pour-on Solution 100ml

33.00 AED
Flotron price and specifications It is used in cattle and sheep to eliminate both adult and developing mono- or multi-host ticks ( Boophilus  spp.،  Hyaloma  spp.،  Rhipicephalus  spp.،  Ixodes ricinus ،  Amblyomma  spp.،  Dermacentor  spp.), sucking and biting lice ( Haematopinus sternus ،  Linognathus calf ،  Bovicola...

Flutron Pour-on Solution 500ml

99.00 AED
Flotron price and specifications It is used in cattle and sheep to eliminate both adult and developing mono- or multi-host ticks ( Boophilus  spp.،  Hyaloma  spp.،  Rhipicephalus  spp.،  Ixodes ricinus ،  Amblyomma  spp.،  Dermacentor  spp.), sucking and biting lice ( Haematopinus sternus ،  Linognathus calf ،  Bovicola...