Vitaminas y sales de baño

VITAVET C 100% 1kg -

VITAVET Vitamin C 100% 1kg

82.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Vita Fit C Vita Vit is a nutritional supplement used to increase reproductive performance in both males and females of various animals. Vita Vit also improves...
Darrows Solution 250ml -

Darrows Solution 250ml for the treatment of diarrhea in animals

71.50 د.إ.
Daros liquid price and specifications Daros Liquid is a mixture of glucose, salts and is a pleasantly flavored oral solution for small and large animals.  Darros fluid replaces fluids and...
Ca / P / Mg Lamons 1kg -

Ca / P / Mg Lamons 1kg

49.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Calcium / Phosphorus / Magnesium Lamone A nutritional supplement containing calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It is used to maintain bone health and growth. It is used...


192.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Calcivit  Calcivit is a nutritional supplement, consisting of calcium and vitamin D3. Calcivit is used for ornamental birds, as it supports reproduction in birds and young...
Medilyte 250gm -

Medilyte 250gm

82.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Medi Lite Medi-Lite provides concentrated energy and salts to prepare Falcon for strenuous physical activity and recover faster. Medi-Lite pre-workout helps prevent dehydration and reduce fatigue.  ...
Dextrotonic 500ml Energy supplement -

Dextrotonic 500ml Energy supplement

143.00 د.إ.
Dextrotonic price and specifications Power supply for pigeons in training and racing. It contains water-soluble electrolytes, vitamins, dextrose, fructose, trace elements, arginine and aspartate. Increases the performance ability Pigeons during...
Nekton biotin 700g -

Nekton biotin 700g

440.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Nekton Biotin  Nekton Biotin is a vitamin that supports a smooth molting process. Nekton Biotin helps rejuvenate feathers. Nekton Biotin also contains all the essential vitamins,...
Vitaton 34 500gm -

Vitaton 34 500gm

104.50 د.إ.
Vitaton 34 price and specifications Vitatone 34 is the most popular vitamin supplement for pigeons. Vitatone 34 combines the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in an affordable,...
B chol 500ml -

B chol 500ml

165.00 د.إ.
Be Cool price and specifications B-Cool is a unique blend of sulfuric amino acids, biotin, sorbitol and vitamin B12. B-Cool is used to promote and support moulting and improve liver...
Megavit pro 250ml -

Megavit pro 250ml

33.00 د.إ.
Megavit pro Price and Specifications Megavit pro is a food supplement spray, containing a group of vitamins. Megavit pro is used in cases of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Megavit pro...
Ducolvit 500ml -

Ducolvit 500ml

203.50 د.إ.
Docolvit Multivitamin preparation to support general condition and promote recovery after illness. It contains vitamins that help regulate biological processes in the body increases recovery after the trip or illness...


115.50 د.إ.
Herbalon Herbal drink rich in spirulina and prebiotics. Herbolean also contains organic acids that enhance Health to support the digestive system. Ensures an optimal condition through increased resistance and good...
VITAMIX FORTE Premix, Water Soluble powder 1kg -

VITAMIX FORTE Premix, Water Soluble powder 1kg

60.50 د.إ.
Vitamix Forte Price and Specifications Effective in cases of vitamin deficiency in birds, broiler chickens, ducks, lambs and calves How to use and dosage It is used orally, mixed with...
MYCOTOX EURO Acidic, Enzymatic and Premixture 1L -

MYCOTOX EURO Acidic, Enzymatic and Premixture 1L

66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Micotoxic Euro A food product containing microorganisms, organic acids, amino acids, and enzymes.And vitamins to help the animal's performance in case of fungal poisoning. How to...
Vitahawk 300g -

Vitahawk 300g, a highly quality vitamin supplement for athletic game hawks and breeding raptors

330.00 د.إ.
Vitahawk price and specifications Vitahawk is a balanced vitamin supplement designed to ensure proper vitamin levels in the daily diet of birds of prey.  Vitahawk also highlights the healthy yellow...
Vitamin C Feed Additives -

Vitamin C 100% Methodo 1kg Italy

88.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of vitamin C nutritional supplement  Vitamin C is used in cases of high temperature to prevent heat exhaustion. How to use and dosage Poultry: 1 gm per...
SALIX Plus The Natural Way for Animal Health 1L -

SALIX Plus The Natural Way for Animal Health 1L

132.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Salix Plus Premix food supplement for animals. It improves the overall Health of animals.  It increases the feed conversion rate for animals. Dosage and method of...
Muta-Seed 300g Moulting seeds -

Muta-Seed 300g Moulting seeds

99.00 د.إ.
Mota CEED price and specifications It is the ideal choice for herbs and seeds that promote moulting. This nutritional supplement promotes shedding and down moulting. The moulting period is a...
NEKTON R 700g -


374.00 د.إ. 308.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Nekton R It is a nutritional supplement for pet birds specially developed to intensify the color of red areas in feathers. Nekton R prevents feather colors from...
Polyvit 5 in 1 Comed 100gm -

Polyvit 5 in 1 Comed 100gm

115.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Polyfit 5 in 1 Polyvit is a nutritional supplement for pigeons. Polyvit 5 in 1 is a distinctive formula of 5 active ingredients for the bathroom....