The best antiparasitic agent for horses

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Research has indicated that practically all individuals of the horse of all ages are at risk for infection with parasites, both internal and external.

It is good that a horse may tolerate small numbers of parasites inside or outside itself without showing any tags or symptoms, but if the numbers of parasites are large, they are more harmful and cause symptoms.

Ponies and horse breeders must first: obtain preventive programs and systems, sources of clean water, proper nutrition, high-quality feed, and good care, and then secondly: obtain The best antiparasitic agent for horsesBy following these tips, horses will enjoy a comfortable life, good health, and beautiful skin and hair that is neither dull nor disheveled.

What parasites infect horses?

To choose The best antiparasitic agent for horses You must first: know what are these parasitic organisms that infest horses or ponies, and also that cause them many problems if left without treatment or care. 

These ectoparasites, in order of importance, include:

  • Robot flies.
  • Biting flies.
  • Try horses.
  • Mosquitoes.
  • Ticks.
  • Lice.

Robot flies

The story of a horse being infected with robot flies begins in the summer and early fall when; This fly lays its eggs on the hair of the front legs, shoulders, lips, and around the mouth. 

These eggs then hatch when the horse licks them with his tongue and inserts them into the mouth, but the small larvae remain embedded in the tongue for Month and then migrate to the stomach.

From that point, the impact of the robot fly on the horse’s health begins because once it enters the stomach, it sticks to the internal mucous membranes and causes damage to the stomach wall and severe colic as a result of blockage of the area between the stomach and the small intestine.

Although robot flies do not bite horses, they do annoy horses, making them anxious and constantly running to avoid them or remove them from their surroundings.

Biting flies

Biting flies are a group of flies - several different types, but they are harmful to horses - that suck horse blood and the most harmful they can do to horses is causing them nuisance. They include the following: horn flies, horse flies, deer flies, stable flies, and some black flies.

Try horses

Mites cause skin diseases and symptoms such as itching and scabies, so receive... The best antiparasitic agent for horses Reduces these signs.

The animal finds comfort when the affected part of the body is rubbed with anything available, which leads to swelling and inflammation of the skin, and also  sometimes leads to tearing of the skin.

Scabies is transmitted through direct contact between infected animals and healthy animals or through the use of contaminated equipment.


Mosquitoes are one of the parasites that suck the blood of horses. They are found in abundance during the rainy seasons or in areas where there is a lot of water. Some mosquitoes can also be found during the drought period as a result of their reproduction, hiding, and presence in pot holes. They then attack horses in large numbers, making The horses are upset and anxious.


In some areas where ticks are abundant, they may cause problems for horses, as ticks feed on the blood of horses, and it is necessary to take preventive and therapeutic measures and choose The best antiparasitic agent for horses In order to reduce the risk of this affliction, it is also a priority to consult a veterinarian and take his advice into consideration.


There are two types of lice: the biting louse and the blood-sucking louse. The blood-sucking louse is considered more harmful because a severe infection of the horse means losing a large amount of blood, causing the animal to become severely weak and exposed to the risk of anemia. Both types of lice are also found on the head, neck, back, and inner surface of the thighs.

Faster treatment of parasites with the best external parasite antiparasitic for horses

Regarding external parasites, the doctor confirms their presence by visual examination or microscopic examination. The danger of these parasites is that they can be transmitted into the body into the internal organs, causing severe diseases. Therefore, many veterinarians have relied on the use of topical Medicines that are used to treat external parasites in horses. The best antiparasitic agent for horses They are:


Equeste is a medicine intended for internal and external parasites that are likely to infect horses, and this medicine has proven its effectiveness in treating all stages of the parasite, whether adults or larvae.

It is also a gelatinous substance that runs easily in the horse's mouth, which ensures that the horse gets its full dose, and reduces the chances of the animal rejecting it. It is licensed for use in horses and foals from the age of 4 months.

Equest Pramox

Equist Pramox is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, and it is called a dual-action horse dewormer because it is effective in treating roundworm, tapeworm, botworm, and cystic redworm larvae in horses. It may be counted The best antiparasitic agent for horses.

The effect on parasites begins 24-48 hours after ingestion. It is used in horses and foals from the age of 6.5 months, and its use is prohibited in horses that are allergic to its components.


Panacure is an apple-flavored smoothie with cinnamon that horses love and some may prepare it for its ease of consumption Best antiparasitic agent for horses, It is used to treat cases of intestinal worms, tapeworms, and nematodes that infect horses and ponies.


An injection containing ivermectin, and Akvalan is given orally, and is used to treat parasites and also to treat worms of all types. One injection is enough to treat a horse weighing 600 kg.

Akvalan Dew

Akvalan Duo is a paste containing ivermectin and praziquantel, which is an insect preventative and is also used for the treatment and prevention of tapeworms and roundworms.


Equifirm is used to treat and combat intestinal nematodes, lungworms, and fly larvae that cause myiasis, and contributes to controlling lice. It is the best antiparasitic agent for horses that suffer from this group of parasites.

It is also a broad-spectrum antiparasitic that contains ivermectin and praziquantel, and is given orally at a dose of 1 gm per 100 kg.

Nile edema 

Neel's Worm juice is used to treat and eliminate parasites and worms that infect the digestive system and stomach, causing colic and diarrhea problems.


Pimectin is recommended for use under the supervision of the veterinarian treating the cases. It is also intended for the treatment of intestinal worms and parasites and is intended for horses only.


Oxyzine is a drug that has also proven its effectiveness as The best antiparasitic agent for horses For camels, it is an anti-parasitic juice, and the dose varies according to the weight of the animal.


Parasites that infect horses may be dangerous, including: bot flies, biting flies, horse mange, mosquitoes, ticks, and lice. So; It is necessary to follow preventive programs and systems, sources of clean water, proper nutrition, high-quality fodder, and good care, and then obtain or find The best antiparasitic agent for horses like:


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