Newcastle (epilepsy) in Falcon

النيوكاسل (الصرع) في الصقور -

Newcastle (epilepsy) in the Falcons

It is a rapidly transmissible viral disease that affects most domestic and wild birds of all ages and often causes the death of infected birds. This disease is called epilepsy.

Ways of disease transmission

direct contact between Falcon infected and healthy
Use infected live birds such as pigeons, chickens, houbara, etc. as food or for training Falcon on her
Through hand, water, meat, feces, and tools (trapping, den, etc.) contaminated with Newcastle virus

Pathological symptoms

Neurological signs: which may include head twisting, head twitching, or paralysis of the legs and wings, and all symptoms may occur in the affected bird.
Digestive signs: Weakness or loss of appetite, sometimes accompanied by green diarrhea and vomiting of food
Eye inflammation, hoarseness, fluid coming out of the nostrils
Mortality, which is the outcome of most cases of Newcastle disease

Methods of diagnosing the disease

Pathological symptoms
Laboratory tests and viral isolation of the pathogen


There is not yet a cure for this disease

Prevention and control

immunization Falcon Newcastle disease vaccination annually
Ensure the safety and health of birds provided to falcons, in particular Pigeons Including the large number of infected with the disease and to use it alive
to examine Falcon periodically to ensure its safety
to examine Falcon Which are purchased before being introduced to the breeding rooms with the rest Falcon sound
not put Falcon infected or suspected to be infected with the disease Falcon sound
The use of special tools for each falcon, such as nests, dens, drinking utensils, and other tools
It is preferable that there be only one person who takes care of the injured falcon, and if more than one person is not available, in this case care must be taken when dealing with it. Falcon Infected and healthy together, where it is recommended to present Food For healthy falcons first, then infected falcons second, after changing the tuck, clothes, and sterilizing hands and all tools with antiseptics

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