Milk fever in cows

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Fever Milk It is a metabolic disorder caused by a lack of calcium, and it usually occurs near or after childbirth. 

fever occurs Milk , or hypocalcemia, when blood calcium levels in a dairy cow fall below normal. fever occurs Milk Generally within the first 24 hours after birth, but it can still occur two to three days after birth. It can be either clinically evident or subclinical.

  • include a fever Milk Clinically, both 'resting' and 'non-resting' cows with less than 3 mL of calcium in their blood.
  • include a fever Milk Sub-clinical cows with less than 7.5 mL of serum calcium but more than 3.5 mL of serum calcium.


Fever increases Milk They reduce the risk of infections and other metabolic ailments, such as ketosis and uterine inflammation, and approximately 5 percent of lying cows do not recover.

In 2000, a New Zealand study reported that cows with a fever Milk Clinical cows produce 14 percent less milk, while cows with a fever Milk Semi-clinical produces 7 percent less milk. The impact of this disruption on the average dairy farm has been estimated at about $8,000 per 100 cows.

The role of calcium in fever Milk

Maintaining low blood calcium levels before birth is recommended to stimulate an increase in the proportion of calcium absorbed from the diet during the prenatal period.

Once she gives birth to calves, the cow's calcium requirement increases by about 400 percent to support colostrum production. All cows should receive dietary calcium during the calving period. This is usually administered by shaking it out on pasture, or by incorporating it into nutritional supplements. 

Cows require a minimum of 100g of lime flour per cow per day, with this level increasing to 300g for cows with a higher risk of hay fever. Milk.

After the colostrum period there is no known benefit to supplementing cows with calcium unless a fever occurs Milk In the dairy herd, or cows consume large amounts of low-calcium feed, such as corn or grain.

The role of magnesium in fever Milk

Magnesium plays a vital role in preventing a fever Milk. It is necessary for efficient calcium absorption. Magnesium supplementation has the greatest effect in reducing fever Milk.

Taking magnesium two to three weeks before delivery will reduce the risk of developing a fever Milk. However, it does not build up magnesium stores, and continued supplementation will be required during early lactation.

fever symptoms Milk

It usually appears on a cow with a fever Milk Very general symptoms of the disease that appear when blood calcium levels are low, such as:

  • lack of appetite 
  • Low body temperature 
  • She looks groggy 
  • Difficulties in producing stool and urine

There are two forms of hypocalcemia: clinical and subclinical.

Fever can be divided into stages Milk into three stages:

  • Stage 1: early symptoms without remission. They include subtle signs such as irritability and nervousness that may go unnoticed. Some cows may also frequently shift their weight and shuffle their hind feet.

  • Stage II: The second stage can last from 1 to 12 hours and is often characterized by the distinctive location of the neck. The cow will lie with its head often tucked to the side to create an S-shaped curvature of the neck. The skin and extremities (such as its ears) will be cold and the heart rate will often exceed 100 beats per minute. They will become depressed and partially paralyzed.

  • Stage 3: These cows will be completely paralyzed, and will be lying on their side. They are often swollen and have a chance of falling into a coma. The temperature continues to drop and the heart rate rises to 120 beats per minute. Without treatment, these cows die within a few hours.

How to treat a fever Milk

Lying cows are usually treated with intravenous calcium. Subcutaneous application and oral calcium formulations are available for treatment of mild and suspected cases. Note that these different forms of calcium are not equivalent to each other. 

There is more to calcium cures than meets the eye; Like any other treatment, it should only be administered under the supervision of a veterinarian. Without treatment, 60 to 70% of affected cows will die.

How do we prevent a fever? Milk in cows?

Best cure for my fever Milk is prevention. There is a study done in India about the economic losses of fever Milk He points out that the potential gain, if prevented, would be about 10 times the economic loss. 

There are several ways to prevent too low a level of calcium in the blood:

  • nutrition

Correct feeds for animals Calcium deficiency so give rations low in calcium and (relatively) and higher in phosphorous during the dry period of the cow. In this way, calcium metabolism will be activated at birth, the parathyroid gland will be more willing to mobilize calcium from the bones, and calcium from food rations and supplements will be better absorbed.

This strategy is most effective if calcium intake is less than 20 grams per day. However, formulating rations with such a low level of calcium is difficult. So DCAD strategy can be applied. By giving salts such as potassium chloride at least 10 days before delivery, calcium absorption during the dry period will also be lower.

Dry cows should receive an adequate amount of magnesium because several studies show that hypomagnesaemia is closely associated with fever. MilkThe use of grain feed up to 1% of body weight during the dry period reduces the spread of fever Milk.

  • supplements

Use a vitamin D supplement 3 to 8 days before delivery. This must be accompanied by adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus in the diet and/or supplements. 

Vitamin D is important for intestinal absorption and bone mobilization of calcium, however, care must be taken as excessive supplementation one day before delivery may increase the chances of developing a fever. Milk or other toxic effects.

Fast-acting calcium supplements added within 24 hours before and after delivery. Many commercial products are available in different forms: liquid, gel, paste, and bolus. It is also used as a remedy to prevent relapses of fever Milk.

  • Other factors

  1. Body Condition Score: The energy intake of cows should be monitored in the middle and late lactation because it is important to prevent a dehydrated cow from becoming too fat.
  2. Provide comfort and a clean birthing box to reduce stress.
  3. Implement specific control programs when the spread of fever increases Milk In cows at high risk to upwards of 10%.
  4. Shortening the dry period may reduce the incidence of fever Milk in cattle, but it may also reduce production Milk during the next lactation period.


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