What steps have been taken to successfully vaccinate by water

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Top tips for successful immunization through drinking water

 Choosing vaccines from a well-known company and transporting and storing them properly

Ensure the health status of the birds and that they are free of any respiratory or intestinal symptoms that may affect the success of the vaccination process or leave significant negative effects on the vaccinated flock.

Clean the water pipes designated for distributing immunization water and ensure that there are no traces of sterilizers in them

 Early morning immunization to reduce stress

Thirst the birds for 2-3 hours before giving the vaccine

 Ensure the quality of the water used for immunization and that it is free of chlorine or any trace of disinfectants


Half an hour before the end of the thirst period, clean skimmed milk powder at a rate of 2 grams per 1 liter of immunization water

Distribute the drinkers designated for immunization in a homogeneous and sufficient manner throughout the barn

The immunization water should be consumed within a period of time ranging between 45-60 minutes

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