Aminovit 100 ml -
Aminovit 100 ml -
Aminovit 100 ml -
Aminovit 100 ml -

Aminovit 100 ml Vitamins and minerals for animals

27.50 د.إ.

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Aminovit price and specifications 

  • Aminovit is a balanced liquid formula of vitamins, minerals, mineral salts, and important nutrients.
  • Aminovate contains amino acids such as: methionine and lysine, mineral elements such as: calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, and vitamins such as: A, B, C, D, and E.
  • Aminovate promotes growth, improves fertility and hatching rate, and increases the production of eggs, meat, and milk.

Dosage and method of use of of Aminovate 

  • Dosage in poultry: 1 ml per liter of drinking water.
  • Dosage in sheep and goats: 1-2 ml per 40 kg of body weight.
  • Dosage in dogs and cats: 0.2 ml per 5 kg body weight.

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