Camsol 250ml -
Camsol 250ml -
Camsol 250ml -

Camsol 250ml

38.50 د.إ.

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Camsol price and specifications

  • Camsol is an effective formulation that imparts a soothing effect on the irritated mucous membrane affected by coughing in the respiratory tract of animals.
  • Camsol also relieves cough associated with upper respiratory problems.
  • Camsol improves appetite and promotes better digestion in horses, camels, sheep, and goats.

Dosage and method of use of Camsol

  • Camsol is given orally.
  • Dosage: 60-120 ml, every 4 hours or when needed.


  • Store Camsol in a dry, cool place.
  • Store it at a temperature below 25°C.
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