
Metronidazole 200 mg Tablet -

Metronidazole 200 mg Tablet

220.00 د.إ.
Metronidazole price and specifications Metronidazole is an antibiotic that contains metronidazole, used in dogs and cats. Metronidazole is used to treat various diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, non-specific diarrheal...
Fenbenol 7.5ml -

Fenbenol Dewormer Paste 7.5ml

88.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of phenbinol  Phenbinol is an anthelmintic extract. Phenbinol is effective against mature and immature roundworms and lungworms.  Phenbinol is also effective against Candida infections with nematode eggs,...
Bravecto Chewable Tab 112.5mg -

Bravecto Chewable Tab 112.5mg

198.00 د.إ.
Bravecto price and specifications  Bravecto chewable tablets. Bravecto is an insecticide used for the treatment and prevention of ticks, fleas, lice and scabies. Bravecto is used in small dogs. Bravecto...
TrizCHLOR Flush 118ml -

TrizCHLOR Flush 118ml

99.00 د.إ.
Trichlor price and specifications Trichlor wash and detergent for cats and dogs. Trichlor antimicrobial contains 0.15% chlorhexidine. Trichlor is a multi-use cleaning product that is effective in removing foreign particles...
Falcon Probotic 25g -

Falcon Probotic 25g

104.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Falcon Probiotic  Falcon Probiotic is a nutritional supplement to support digestive health, strengthen immunity, and increase absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Dosage and method of use...
Maxforce ic 20 gm -

Maxforce ic 20 gm

55.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Max Force EC Max Force IC is an insect repellent gel used to eliminate cockroaches. Max Force EC is safe to use in homes, stores, restaurants,...
FA.TRY.BANIL R.T.U. 100 ml -

FA.TRY.BANIL R.T.U. 100 ml

104.50 د.إ.
Vatripanil price and specifications Vatrepanil is an injection solution for the treatment of internal parasites and blood parasites such as Trypanosoma, Babesia, and Theileria. Vatrepanil is used for all animals....
Battles veterinary wound powder 125gm -

Battles veterinary wound powder 125gm

66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Patelis Wound Powder Medicinal wound powder for wound care. Wound powder is an antiseptic, designed for rapid absorption. Wound powder is used to treat small wounds,...


165.00 د.إ.
Aminovit price and specifications  Aminovit is a group of vitamins and amino acids designed to increase the efficiency of horses. In addition to being a rich source of vitamins, Aminovit...


104.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Med Pet Speed Plus Med Beat Speed ​​Plus is used to naturally enhance performance, by converting fat into a sustainable source of usable energy for your...
Phos-phor 500ml -

Phos-phor 500ml

38.50 د.إ.
Phos-phor price and specifications Phos-phor is used as a source of phosphorus in animals. Phos-phor is used to maintain bones in animals and increase growth in newborns. Phos-phor is used...
Mizofen-F 8 g -

Mizofen-F 8 g

16.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications Mizofen 8 gm Mizofen is an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory ointment.  Contains florfenicol and levamisole. It is used to treat eye Disorders , wounds, pus, blood collections, and...
Mediworm 100 tablets -

Mediworm 100 tablets

93.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Mediworm Antiparasitic in Pigeons . Used for the treatment of large roundworm (Warning Ascaridia collar contains: Pyrantel pamoate 20 mg: Prazzolianthella roundworm (Capillaria obsignata) and tapeworm...
Vetace (Benazepril) 5mg 42 Tabs -

Vetace (Benazepril) 5mg 42 Tabs

330.00 د.إ.
Vitac price and specifications The medication is used orally once daily in the treatment of dogs with heart failure and cats with chronic renal failure and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It contains...
Clindamycin 75 mg 100Tablets -

Clindamycin 75 mg 100Tablets

198.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of clindamycin 75 mg Clindamycin 75 mg is an antibiotic with primarily bacteriostatic effects. Clindamycin 75 mg is used to treat infected wounds, abscesses, pyoderma, oral cavity...
Jurox Progesterone 50ml -

Jurox Progesterone 50ml

363.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Gyrox Progesterone Gyrox Progesterone contains the hormone progesterone. Gyrox progesterone is used to help prevent threatened miscarriage. Gyrox Progesterone is used to reduce fetal mortality. Gyrox...
Frontline Combo Dog Large 20 up to 40 kg -

Frontline Combo Dog Large 20 up to 40 kg

165.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Frontline Comb for large dogs 20-40 kg Frontline Comb Ampoule for application to the skin. Frontline Comb is used to treat fipronil-sensitive parasites in dogs and...


143.00 د.إ.
Orni Cure price and specifications Orni Cure is an antibiotic, used to treat respiratory infections. Orni Cure also treats mycoplasmosis and eye infections in Pigeons . Dosage and method of...
Yodacalcio MG 250ml -

Yodacalcio MG 250ml

110.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Iudacalcio Iudacalcio is a nutritional supplement that contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Iudacalcio is used when there is a need to increase the...
Super ES 500ml -

Super ES 500ml

38.50 د.إ.
Super ES price and specifications Super IS is vitamin E with selenium. Super ES is used in malnutrition diseases. Super IS also raises immunity and increases growth in young animals....