The most famous diseases that affect camels or camels and methods of prevention and treatment

أشهر الأمراض التي تصيب الجمال أو الإبل وطرق الوقاية والعلاج -

Camels are among the most important wealth in all countries of the world, so they must be well cared for and protected from diseases.
One of the most important diseases that affect camels is blood parasites.
Such as trypanosoma, which is called syphilis or trypanosomiasis
It is one of the most dangerous injuries and most important diseases of camels.
This disease is widespread in the Middle Eastern countries.
The incidence of this disease increases when the proliferation of flies that transmit the disease increases

(Blue flies), starting from Month , which is the mating season for the flies that transmit the disease.
These flies also multiply in areas near water because they are considered suitable for them

Disease stages:                                                                          
First: the acute phase of the disease. The camel suffers from fever, lethargy, weakness, emaciation, and anemia
It shows swelling in the body, ascites and miscarriage.

Second: The chronic phase. The difficulty of this phase is that the temperature rises irregularly. The camel becomes emaciated, severely weak, and loses weight.

It is done by examining a blood sample under a microscope, to find the trypanosoma parasite between the blood cells.
Or by using mercury chloride. This method is used to diagnose the chronic phase of the disease, because we rely in diagnosis on biochemical changes in the animal’s body, so we take a drop of blood and add 1 ml of mercury chloride to it.
If the condition is positive, we notice the presence of a white precipitate.
If the condition is negative, we do not notice any change in the sample

Getting rid of flies in places where camels are raised, provided that the place is not humid or there are swamps where flies multiply.

We can use:                      
1-G-Trypan intramuscular injection
At a dose of 5 ml per 100 kg
The withdrawal period for milk and meat is 20 days.

Intramuscular injection at a dose of 0.25:0.50 ml per kilogram
Meat and milk withdrawal period is 14 days.

Intramuscular injection at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg

Also, one of the external parasites that infect camels is:                                 
    sarcoptic mange
It is the cause of mange in camels.                                                         
Severe itching, which may cause wounds to the camel due to excessive contact with a hard object or irritation due to the severity of the itching.
Places on the camel's body are stripped of hair and a thick layer of keratin is formed                 
-IVERMEK dose: 1 ml per 50 kg                                           

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