Colic in horses

المغص في الخيول -


Colic in horses is more dangerous for horses and may even be fatal often compared to animal species. This is due to the anatomical composition of the digestive system in horses than what is found in other species. These differences simply include

The heart valve of the stomach does not allow food to exit from it, or in other words, the horses do not vomit, that is, when the horse eats more food than usual, or fermentation of the food occurs, the horse will not be able to get rid of the formed gases, and this may lead to the explosion of the stomach and the death of the horse

There is no membrane that connects the intestines sideways, as it is in the rest of the animals, i.e. it is possible that when there are intestinal infections or the horse rolls over, the intestines will turn around and knots or blockages will occur.


Colic symptoms

Symptoms range in severity and increase as the time of infection increases, and thus the risk increases with it... and the earlier the intervention, the greater the chances of survival.

One of the most important symptoms is loss of appetite and lack of eagerness for feed. As well as anxiety and disorder. Abdominal pain in the horse. From the anatomical point of view of the horse’s digestive system, the method of digestion in the horse compared to what the breeder provides of different types of feed is one of the most common causes of colic.

And colic in horses does not have to be caused by a defect in the feeding system or a defect in the digestive system. Sometimes the cause is an infection in another part of the horse’s body, such as infection in the reproductive system or infection in the horse’s respiratory system. It is also in mares and giving antihelminths or or vaccine It could be one of the causes of colic.

The treatment of colic is one of the things that bothers horse owners, as it may result in the death of horses, in addition to the economic loss in terms of cost

Treatment or loss of colic horses, and therefore it is very necessary to consult a veterinarian immediately to start the treatment phase according to the causes and symptoms 

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