Canker disease

مرض الكنكر -


 Introducing the disease 

It is a parasitic disease that affects the digestive system of birds, especially the family Pigeons ( It is considered Pigeons The most sensitive birds to Kanker disease), but it affects other birds, including canaries and goldfinch. It infects them intermittently 

It also infects birds Albadhi eagles and Falcon And a family of parrots and many wild birds

: the cause of the disease 

Trichomonas spp. is a parasite  

Methods of injury 

 The methods of infection and infection with the disease are from one infected bird to another, such as 

Parasite-carrying parents feed their chicks 

 For example, when mating, a beak was placed in a beak, thus transmitting parasites 

One of the ways of infection and infection is also drinking water that contains parasites, especially in sewage 

Stools and secretions such as saliva 

Taking into account that the parasites are not resistant in the external environment (they only live for some days).


Trichomoniasis mainly affects chicks and immature birds, and it is characterized by several symptoms 

General weakness and weight loss 

Vomiting and nausea 


Excessive salivation with difficulty breathing and frequent sneezing 

- The presence of a membrane in the inner wall of the esophagus and pharynx with a yellow color in most cases, which is considered the direct cause of the death of the affected bird, either by suffocation (tracheal obstruction) or starvation, due to the lack of food passing through the pharynx and esophagus.

- In canaries and goldfinch, the esophagus and alveoli become swollen, thick and opaque, with a yellowish cheesy substance, and these mucous secretions may eventually invade the nostrils and sinuses, after which there is sinusitis and difficulty breathing, as white cheesy dots appear around the beak And in the tongue and the inner wall of the cheek of the canary and the goldfinch 

Birds usually die of starvation (esophageal obstruction) or suffocation (tracheal obstruction).

when Pigeons (Immature) The disease can develop to affect the intestines and liver 

As for birds of prey, it extends to the sinuses and causes secretions and causes the bird's head to tilt 

Young birds are the most susceptible to the disease, and they have slow growth and a high mortality rate, but it affects the bird at all stages of its life, as I mentioned earlier. 


It is in the live bird by observing the aforementioned symptoms and also taking a sample of saliva or taking a sample from the bird’s cyst and examining it using an electron microscope. 

As for the dead bird, the diagnosis is made by dissection, so that yellow cheesy nodules are found in the inner wall of the esophagus, pharynx, and the beginning of the intestine.

It is also possible to find live parasites in saliva (in the 48 hours following the death of the bird) by electron microscopy 

: treat it

Scientific name: metronidazole



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