The problem of eating chickens for eggs, its causes, the problem solved

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The problem of eating eggs in laying hens

There are many reasons that lead to the emergence of the habit of eating eggs in laying hens

Nutritional imbalance: calcium deficiency - protein deficiency - phosphorous deficiency - mineral deficiency - vitamin deficiency

Overcrowding and a large number of chicks inside the house, farm, or place designated for breeding 

Not cutting the beak at the early age of the herd (5-10) days

 Increasing the intensity of lighting, which also leads to the emergence of predation and gives an opportunity for the laying chick to eat the eggs it produces. 

All factors that increase the rate of breaking eggs in the coop: including not brushing the linens with a sufficient amount of straw or sawdust, or the presence of crowding in the linens as a result of their small number compared to the number of chicks in the coop, or a decrease in the thickness of the shell as a result of a disease, or a lack of calcium or vitamins, which increases The percentage of broken eggs in the farm 


Methods of prevention and treatment 

 Adjust the components of the diet and provide an integrated diet that contains all the nutrients and mineral salts

Clipping the beak in laying chicks, as the beak is clipped during the first days of the chick's life (6-10) days, according to the company's recommendations. It is not recommended to cut the beak after that, because it will often be of little use. Some advise re-cutting the beak at the age of 100 days for chicks with a developing beak. The beak should not be cut during production, as it will lead to the birds stopping eating the diet, and thus stopping production

The rearing system in batteries greatly helps to obtain clean eggs free of pecking as a result of the inclination in the cages, which leads the egg to a scraper that pulls the eggs in front of the cage out of reach of the chick.

Reducing overcrowding and setting an appropriate number to suit the area of the farm and the ward 

Laying linens in an appropriate number (one hole for each 5 beds, maximum) and at a suitable height.

Linens are brushed with thick layers of straw and re-bedded on a daily basis

Adjust the lighting

Periodic monitoring of the thickness of the egg shell to reduce the breakage of eggs, because the chicks taste the contents of the egg encourages them to peck the egg and break it to get its contents

Monitoring the flock to identify the chicks that have the habit of eating eggs, and thus treat them by clipping or excluding them in acceptable numbers

Collect the eggs with repeated thanksgiving several times during the day.

Direct collection of floor eggs (which are laid on the floor of the barn).

Laying the linens well before the start of egg production so that the chicks get used to laying eggs within the linens and reducing the percentage of ground eggs

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