Artemia Brine Shrimp with Spirulina and Garlic 100g -

Artemia Brine Shrimp with Spirulina and Garlic 100g

22.00 د.إ.

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High quality live whole Artemia (brine shrimp) that have been flash-frozen using a flash freezer resulting in whole animals and minimal nutrients leaching into the aquarium water. - Rich in the unique blend of spirulina and garlic. - With highly digestible spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors of your fish and stimulate better growth.

- With fresh garlic to promote Health by improving resistance against parasites while strengthening the immune system.

the components: Brine shrimp, algae and vegetables.

Recommended for: Saltwater fish, nano corals, exotic balls, dwarf cichlids, angels, angels - dwarf angels, livebearers, shrimp, pipefish, paradise fish, shrimp, mud skipper, ladies, south american cichlids, tetras, seahorses, fish Rainbow snakes. , Angels, Grouper, Danio, Mandarin - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Coral, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Basalts, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Myomas, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs Stinging - Tetra - Rasbora, Surgeonfish, Seahorse - Razorfish, Mandarin, Grass, Hard Coral, Tanganyika Cichlid, Cichlids, Anthias, Gobies - Blini, Rasbora, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimp - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlid, Fish Catfish - Anthias, Clownfish, Gourami, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Loaches, Crayfish, Catfish - Loaches - Eels, Guppies, Labyrinthfish, Platies, Basslets - Groupers, Pygmy Angels, Betta's, Swordtails.

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