Flourish Trace 500ml
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Flourish Trace provides a wide range of trace elements that have been shown to be essential for plant health and growth (see below for tags of deficiency). Trace elements are usually depleted by use, oxidation and precipitation.
Key Features:
- Providing a wide range of micronutrients (vitamins and amino acids) and trace and microelements (iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, etc.) that will enhance plant health and growth. tags trace element deficiency.
- Boron: death of the apical meristem of the stem and root, and curling of the leaves, and young tissues are the most affected.
- Cobalt: used for nitrogen fixation such as tags nitrogen deficiency (stunted growth).
- Copper: Young dark green leaves, twisted, wilted, the tip remains alive.
- Manganese: Young leaves turn green, with small veins remaining green, and necrosis between the veins.
- Molybdenum: chlorine poisoning, twisting, death of young leaves.
- Zinc: decreased leaf size, shortening of internodes, chlorosis, mottled leaves, and older leaves are most affected.
- Nickel: lack of germination or seed formation, which is necessary for the absorption of iron.