Poultry vitamins and minerals

B12 5000 Orgalabs 50ml - Shopivet.com

B12 5000 Orgalabs 50ml

121.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications for 12 A nutritional supplement containing vitamin B12. It is used in cattle, sheep, goats, camels, cats and dogs. How to use and dosage It is used...
Aminovit 100 ml - Shopivet.com

Aminovit 100 ml Vitamins and minerals for animals

27.50 د.إ.
Aminovit price and specifications  Aminovit is a balanced liquid formula of vitamins, minerals, mineral salts, and important nutrients. Aminovate contains amino acids such as: methionine and lysine, mineral elements such...
Calcium+D3 MIAVIT 1 liter - Shopivet.com

Calcium+D3 MIAVIT 1 liter

60.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Calcium + D3 Calcium+D3 is a combination of a wide range of vitamins. Calcium + D3 is used to effectively combat stress situations, such as: vaccinations,...
Lovit VTA Powder 1kg - Shopivet.com

Lovit VTA Powder 1kg

66.00 د.إ.
Lovett VTA price and specifications Lovet VTA is a distinctive group of vitamins, salts, and amino acids necessary for the health and vitality of animals and birds. Lovet VTA protects...
AVITONE POWDER 100 gm - Shopivet.com


27.50 د.إ.
Aviton price and specifications  Aveton is a feed mixture that contains a group of vitamins, mineral salts, and amino acids. Aviton provides coverage and control of vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition....
Mia Vitamineral 1Liter - Shopivet.com

Mia Vitamineral 1Liter

66.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Vitamineral Vitamineral is a nutritional supplement for animals. Vitamineral contains water-soluble vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It is used in goats, sheep, calves and poultry. How to...
Ultralyte-C 2Kg - Shopivet.com

Ultralyte-C 2Kg

71.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications Ultralyte-C Ultralyte-C is a mixture of vitamin C and some probiotics. Ultralyte-C is used to boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to diseases. Ultralyte-C is used...
GROWVITE PLUS - Shopivet.com


82.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of GROWVITE PLUS GROWVITE PLUS is a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and tonics. Dosage and method of use of GROWVITE PLUS Dosage in poultry: 1...
Biosal 50ml - Shopivet.com

Biosal 50ml

110.00 د.إ.
Biosal price and specifications Biosal is a nutritional supplement containing vitamin B12, magnesium, potassium and selenite. Biosal is used in cases of fatigue, convalescence and poor onset in young animals....
Calgophos 1 liter - Shopivet.com

Calgophos 1 liter

49.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications Calgophos Calgophos is a solution of minerals and concentrated elements, and also contains phosphate salts. Calgophos strengthens eggshells and prevents bone and muscle weakness. Calgophos treats short-term...
ULTRALYTE-C 9Kg - Shopivet.com


264.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications Ultralyte-C Ultralyte-C is a mixture of vitamin C and some probiotics. Ultralyte-C is used to boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to diseases. Ultralyte-C is used...
Introvit A+ WS powder 1kg - Shopivet.com

Introvit A+ WS powder 1kg

71.50 د.إ.
INTROVIT veterinary It is a powder made up of vitamins and amino acids. Each of the water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins has its own function.. Product Specifications Animal dietary supplement powder....


71.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Vitavit Forte Vitavit Forte is a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and mineral salts. Vitavit Forte helps increase growth rate and activity. Vitavit Forte also helps...
C-Vital 1000 100gm - Shopivet.com

C-Vital 1000 100gm

16.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of C-Vital 1000 C-Vital is vitamin C. C-Vital works to prevent ulceration of the mucous membranes in the mouth. C-Vital helps in tissue repair and collagen formation....
INTROVIT-ES-100 oral 1Liter - Shopivet.com

INTROVIT-ES-100 oral 1Liter

60.50 د.إ.
Introfit price and specifications  Enterovit is a group of vitamins and minerals that are important for the body. Entrovit is used to compensate animals and poultry, and to reduce stress....
ULTRALYTE-C 1Kg - Shopivet.com


49.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Ultralite C Ultralight C is a group of mineral salts and vitamin C. Ultralyte C is used to raise immunity in animals and improve growth. Dosage...
CAL-D-PHOS - Shopivet.com


55.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Cal-D-Phos Cal-D-Phos is a mineral mixture of calcium and phosphorus. Cal-D-Phos is used to treat calcium and phosphorus deficiencies, and provides a good supply to the...
Nova Para C 100g - Shopivet.com

Nova Para C 100g is an anti-allergic and analgesic for animals.

22.00 د.إ.
Nova Bar C Price and Specifications Anti-allergic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic  It is used in cases of fever and infection. Used to relieve pain after injuries. It is used in...
VIT AD3+E for immunity, spermatogenesis& Stress conditions 1L - Shopivet.com

VIT AD3+E for immunity, spermatogenesis& Stress conditions 1L

77.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Fit Ad3H An effective nutritional supplement in cases of vitamin deficiency in birds. It is used to improve the immune system, sperm formation, and increase fertility....
LACTOSOL 1L - Shopivet.com


33.00 د.إ.
Lactosol price and specifications Lactosol is a natural source of calcium and phosphorus supported by essential vitamins. It ensures the appropriate proportions of calcium, phosphorus and is rich in higher...