Ferti-vit 200 gm
110.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Verti Fit Vertivit is a nutritional supplement, used for the breeding season and in cases of fertility disorder. Verti-Fit also increases resistance to diseases and treats...
Chorulon 1500IU for animals 1 Vial
105.00 د.إ.
Corelon price and specifications The active ingredient of Corelon is a complex glycoprotein, HCG is presented in a freeze-dried form and is a non-pituitary type of gonadotrophin. Corelon stimulates the...
Ferti-vit 25 gm Food supplement for birds
47.25 د.إ.
Ferti Fit Price and Specifications Vertivit is a nutritional supplement, used during the reproductive period. Vertivit is also used in cases of fertility disorder. Verti-Fit also increases resistance to diseases...
Uterotone 450ml
36.75 د.إ.
Utroton uterine cleanser price A uterine cleanser used to facilitate expulsion of a retained placenta, and to treat endometriosis and pyometra. Product Specifications "Works to clean the uterus properly.". Utroton...
COBOSAL 100 ml
47.25 د.إ.
COBOSAL injection solution COBOSAL is an injection solution that contains phosphorus and vitamin B12, which enhances the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.. Product Specifications Used to improve the metabolic...
36.75 د.إ.
UVEDCO price and specifications UFEDCO is used for the prevention and treatment of selenium and vitamin E deficiency in calves and lambs. Euvidco is a treatment for muscular dystrophy (white...
Alfaglandin C 20ml
68.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Faglandin C Faglandin C, a facilitation needle, contains a high concentration of clobristenol. Faglandin C has no reaction in the body. Faglandin C is used to treat...
Yelvit 100ml Best treatment for white muscle diseases in small animals
36.75 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Yelfit Yelvet is a solution for injection, which is used to treat small animals. Yelvit works to protect against white muscle diseases and muscular dystrophy. Yelfit...
Viagro Premix 500g
68.25 د.إ.
Viagro Premix Dietary Supplement Price It is a nutritional supplement that contains mineral salts and vitamins to improve the rate of production and sexual efficiency. Product Specifications Animal feed additive...
Medimune powder 250g
105.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of medimone powder Medimone powder is a powerful immune stimulant and powerful antioxidant. It is recommended as a general preventive nutritional supplement and an aid in the...
estradiol over 20 ml
52.50 د.إ.
Estradiol price and specifications Estradiol is used to treat the problem of previa, placenta previa, and dead fetus. Estradiol also treats irregular mating cycles. Dosage and method of use of...
VIT AD3+E for immunity, spermatogenesis& Stress conditions 1L
73.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Fit Ad3H An effective nutritional supplement in cases of vitamin deficiency in birds. It is used to improve the immune system, sperm formation, and increase fertility....
PGF Veyx forte 20ml Prostaglandin Forte for corpus luteum lysis in animals
89.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Prostaglandin Forte An injection solution of the best hormone medicines for animals that contains a synthetic prostaglandin hormone used in sheep, cows and horses.. Product Specifications...
EZTILBOvet 20ml
73.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Iztilbo Fit Istilbovit is an estrogen, and one of the body's main hormones. Eztilpo Vet participates in regulating the female reproductive cycles of estrus and menstruation,...
Receptal 10 ml a treatment for low fertility in horses and cows
78.75 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Receptal/reduced fertility treatment for horses and cows Receptal is a solution for injection, and its active ingredient is Buserlin. It also targets the following species: horses,...
Han Prost 20ml
73.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Han Prost Treatment of proestrus or subestrus due to the persistence of the corpus luteum and follicular lutein cysts and support the treatment of pyometra and...
Enzaprost 30ml
126.00 د.إ.
Enzaprost price and specifications It is used to synchronize estrus, treating subestrus or silent estrus in cows with a functional corpus luteum but not showing behavioral estrus. Encouraging abortion up to...
525.00 د.إ.
Chronogist price and specifications Chronogest are sponges that stimulate estrus and ovulation. They work to quickly bring ewes into estrus and stimulate the ovulatory cycle in ewes that do not...
Excel E Selenium 3kg
315.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Excel eSelenium Excel E Selenium is a nutritional supplement that contains Vitamin E. Excel E Selenium helps calm horses' nerves and is important for good fertility....
SELEN E - B12 selenium 1 kg
80.00 د.إ.
Celine E B12 Dietary supplement containing Vitamin E, Selenium, and B12. It works to increase fertility and chances of pregnancy and prevents sexually transmitted diseases. Used in cattle and poultry...