Artemia Brine Shrimp flatpack 454g
73.50 AED
Live whole Artemia that has been flash frozen using our “Quick Freezer” results in whole animals and minimal nutrient leaching into the aquarium water.
Artemia Brine Shrimp with Spirulina and Garlic 100g
21.00 AED
High quality live whole Artemia (brine shrimp) that have been flash-frozen using a flash freezer resulting in whole animals and minimal nutrients leaching into the aquarium water. - Rich in...
Atison's Betta Food 15g
26.25 AED
High quality floating granules (+/- 1.5 mm), developed to produce the most nutritious complete food for your Betta species. It will enhance the natural colors of the fish. The water...
Atison's Betta Food 75g
36.75 AED
High quality floating granules (+/- 1.5 mm), developed to produce the most nutritious complete food for your Betta species. It will enhance the natural colors of the fish. The water...
Atison's Betta Pro 15g
31.50 AED
Ideal for betta fish growth and conditioning. Stable diet for fry from the beginning of the second month until the seventh month. Betta fish love this Food and prefer it...
Atison's Betta Pro 75g
52.50 AED
Ideal for betta fish growth and conditioning. Stable diet for fry from the beginning of the second month until the seventh month. Betta fish love this Food and prefer it...
Atison's Betta Spa 125ml
47.25 AED
Wild almond leaf extract mimics the natural condition of betta fish. Contains Yucca extract to bind ammonia (NH3) in water. It contains calcium to stimulate muscles and form strong bones,...
Black Mosquito Larvae 100g
21.00 AED
Black mosquito larvae are a good alternative for many different species of fish, especially those that have difficulties digesting the hemoglobin found in bloodworms. This phenomenon is typical of many...
Bloodworms with Spirulina and Garlic 100g
26.25 AED
High quality live whole bloodworms that have been flash frozen using a flash freezer, resulting in whole animals and minimal nutrients leaching into the aquarium water. - Rich in the...
Brine Shrimp Eggs 20g
84.00 AED
The eggs will hatch into Artemia (brine shrimp) larvae within 18 to 30 hours. Artemia larvae are known to be the ideal live food for the early stages of many...
Brine Shrimp Plus Flake 34g
31.50 AED
Our salted shrimp chips are supplemented with a nutritious blend of seafood, plankton, algae, vitamins, minerals and many other delicious ingredients. This results in superior palatability and complete balanced nutrition...
Brine Shrimp Plus Flake 71g
47.25 AED
Our salted shrimp chips are supplemented with a nutritious blend of seafood, plankton, algae, vitamins, minerals and many other delicious ingredients. This results in superior palatability and complete balanced nutrition...
Brown Seaweed 12g
31.50 AED
A natural and highly nutritious supplement for all grazing fish, rich in Vitamin C and easy to digest. Ideal food source for marine and freshwater herbivorous fish with softer mouthparts....
Cichlid Omni Pellets Medium 200g
84.00 AED
A highly attractive and palatable diet of soft, moist pellets, specially formulated for the carnivorous cichlids of Africa and South America. These soaking pellets are designed to promote Health and...
Cichlid Omni Pellets Small 100g
47.25 AED
A highly attractive and palatable diet of soft, moist pellets, specially formulated for the carnivorous cichlids of Africa and South America. These soaking pellets are designed to promote Health and...
Clams on the Half Shell 100g
26.25 AED
general information : Fresh frozen oysters with only one shell to stimulate natural feeding behavior. the components: Oysters Recommended for: Pufferfish, angels, angelfish - dwarf angels, eels, sharks - rays, pufferfish, pufferfish, boxfish,...
Colossus Q2 200g
78.75 AED
Slow sinking, small pellets (5mm x 10mm) for larger carnivorous fish. Nutrient-rich food designed to satisfy the huge appetite of large, carnivorous aquarium fish while ensuring optimal growth. It is...
Colossus X2 200g
84.00 AED
Small sticks for surface-feeding predators. Nutrient-rich food, designed to satisfy the huge appetite of large, carnivorous aquatic fish, while ensuring optimal growth. Packed with fresh marine proteins for superior digestibility...
Colour Growth and Health Freshwater 500g
105.00 AED
A high-performance diet rich in protein and energy, ideal for feeding in-store freshwater ornamental fish. The highly digestible components result in minimal contamination of filtration systems and thus contribute to...
Colour Growth and Health Marine 500g
105.00 AED
A high-performance diet rich in protein and energy, ideal for feeding in-store marine ornamental fish. The highly digestible components result in minimal contamination of filtration systems and thus contribute to...