HIMAX 200gm
31.50 AED
Price and specifications of Himax Hemax is an antiseptic, antifungal, antipruritic, and anti-inflammatory. Hemax is used to treat eczema and other fungal infections. Hemax also treats foot rot in sheep...
15.75 AED
Price and specifications of iodine ointment Iodine ointment is used in cases of udder fibrosis, mastitis due to infections that cause inflammation, and udder problems in cows, sheep, and goats....
Sacrolyte 100 gm for the treatment of diarrhea
10.50 AED
Sacrolyte price and specifications Sacrolyte is a replacement salt for treating wasting resulting from diarrhea or poor growth in animals. Dosage and method of use of Sacrolyte One sachet should...
Equipalazone® Phenylbutazone Oral Powder 100 Sachets Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reliever for Horses and Ponies
399.00 AED
Price and specifications of Equibalazone anti-inflammatory Equibalazone is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. This powerful veterinary medicine is specially formulated to target musculoskeletal disorders in horses and ponies, providing significant...
ilium Optichlor Eye Ointment 5g
36.75 AED
Ilium Opticolor price and specifications Elem Optichlor Antibiotic Eye Ointment. Ilium Optichlor is intended for eye infections that require antibiotic ointment. Ilium Optichlor contains chloramphenicol. Ilium Optichlor is used in dogs...
26.25 AED
Fosretic liver tonic Fosseretic is a liver and kidney tonic. Ethanol ß Aminophosphoric acid (10 g) "LTR">) Product Specifications Fosrytec for dialysis is used to prevent the formation of stones...
MUTA-VIT 25gm to improve feather growth for birds
47.25 AED
Miyota Fit price and specifications Miota Vit is a special blend of vitamins and amino acids, with a high percentage of sulfur amino acids and biotin. Miota-Fit promotes feather growth...
Chlorhexidine medicated cat shampoo 250 ml
42.00 AED
Price and specifications of chlorhexidine shampoo Chlorhexidine shampoo is a unique cleanser that combines ingredients that help improve hair cuticles, balance skin, and support healthy skin. Chlorhexidine shampoo is specifically...
Butachem 50 for Theileriosis in cattle, camel and horses
78.75 AED
Biotac 50 price An effective drug for the treatment and prevention of all forms of theileriosis in livestock. Product Specifications product for injection used to treat theileriosis in livestock.. It...
STRIDE PLUS Dogs 200ml
131.25 AED
Stride Plus price and specifications Stride Plus is used to treat joint Disorders that seriously reduce their quality of life and show a decrease in their activity level. Stride Plus...
TrizEDTA Aqueous Flush 118ml
173.25 AED
Price and specifications of Triazedta Aqua lotion TriZedta Aqua Ear Wash is a multi-use ear wash for cleaning or pre-treating perspiration. Trizideta Aquas can be used without other medications or...
Uterotone 450ml
36.75 AED
Utroton uterine cleanser price A uterine cleanser used to facilitate expulsion of a retained placenta, and to treat endometriosis and pyometra. Product Specifications "Works to clean the uterus properly.". Utroton...
Ashi-Eye Pink Eye Ointment (conjunctivitis)
31.50 AED
Ashi-E Pink Eye Ointment Eye ointment to treat eye infections in cattle, sheep, cats and dogs. Used to treat inflammation and infection of the eyelids and eyes. How to use...
Versele-Laga Tricho Plus 1 sachet 4g
15.75 AED
Price and specifications of Trico Plus Trico Plus is used to treat trichomoniasis in Pigeons without harming the pigeon. Dosage and method of use of Trico Plus Dosage: 1 sachet...
Topicure 250ml anti-inflammatory and antifungal for animals
31.50 AED
Topicure price and specifications Topicure spray contains natural materials and herbs with antiseptic properties. Topicure is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal. Topicure is used to treat all types of superficial...
Bioline Hairball Solution 100g
43.05 AED
Hairball Solution Price and Specifications Hairball Solution is used to prevent hairballs in cats. Dosage and method of use of Hairball Solution Dosage: Half a spoon daily. Add it to...
Buscopan - 100ml
231.00 AED
With biscopan Analgesic and antispasmodic used in horses, cattle and dogs. Product Specifications A solution for injection used to treat intestinal colic, spasm pain, esophageal obstruction, and urinary and reproductive...
M20 Mannitol 20% 500ml
31.50 AED
Mannitol solution 20 Mannitol Intravenous Infusion is an intravenous solution, which contains mannitol. Product Specifications It is a Antiseptic solution that does not cause fever of 20% mannitol.%. does not...
Wound Powder Equimins
57.75 AED
Price and specifications of wound powder Wound powder is a wound powder used to stop bleeding. Wound powder is also used to keep the wound from becoming infected and speed...
Metacam 20% 50 ml
357.00 AED
Metacam Metacam injection for sheep is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) For use in cattle and horses. Product Specifications Metacam is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic.. It is used to...