The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer

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Dear customer, you want to clean, disinfect and sterilize the environment of your animals that you care for, and you want to protect them from environmental pollutants, so here is that..

Scientific studies have proven that the use of veterinary detergents and disinfectants in places where animals are present in general; Hospitals and animal instruments used in particular; It reduces the severity of the spread of infection between animals, and also enhances the general level of health.

Also use The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer It contributes to keeping animal homes and care facilities free of dust, germs and bacteria and prevents the spread of pollutants.

To achieve the maximum benefit from disinfectants, the relationship between humans, animals and the environment must be taken into account.

Sources of animal environmental pollution

Before applying The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer You must first: know where the problem of pollutants begins and what its source is, then: apply disinfectants and cleaners as required.

Pets are also the most vulnerable to exposure to bacteria, viruses, and diseases. However, there may be an interaction between the health of animals and the food products we obtain from them.

So; Sources of pollutants are:

Drinking water 

Drinking water may be the source of some diseases and infections in animals, so; Using chlorinated water reduces these causes.

The water used in disinfection operations must be clean and mixed with appropriate detergents.

Food and nutrition

Improper nutrition is a primary source of diseases entering the body of animals. Moldy feed or expired canned food all create problems and causes infections. It is necessary to: Follow a healthy diet.

How to use veterinary disinfectants?

Disinfection is vital to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, but often the person in charge may not have full awareness of the importance of cleaning, may use the wrong products or use The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer But he does not follow the correct methods of cleaning and sterilization. So; It is necessary to review the hygiene and disinfection protocol periodically, and the best hygiene protocols are to be effective and easy to understand and implement, while ensuring that employees are trained in disinfection, and that the supplies they need are provided in the place. The disinfection and sterilization process consists of 3 stages:

  1.  Mechanical removal of organic matter

The first step in the cleaning and sterilization process depends on removing organic materials from the animals’ environment, which includes (feces, urine, blood, respiratory secretions, and waste).

One doctor reflects on the importance of this step: “When I was a pre-veterinary student, we had a parvo puppy in one of our secluded areas and I can remember being directed by one of my bosses to spray bleach directly on the stool, leave it, then wipe it up. Now I know Most disinfectants, especially bleach, are inactivated by organic materials and all organic materials must first be removed before applying disinfectants.

  1. Cleaning using the best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer 

“Cleaning is good and important,” says a foreign doctor. “It makes things smell better, but it doesn’t necessarily kill all the pathogens that worry us.”

The surface should be cleaned well with soap or a general detergent, then rinsed and dried. Once the surface is clean and dry, the disinfectant can be applied, which must be allowed to remain for the required contact period on the surface or tools (but the duration required varies depending on the type The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer But usually it is 3 to 10 minutes).

  • Rinse off the veterinary cleaner and disinfectant

  • In the last step of the cleaning and disinfection stages, rinse the disinfectant with a wet cloth and dry the area well, and then you have a clean and sterile place and environment.

    Veterinarians say: You must rinse the soap well, because spraying disinfectant over the soap will cause much of it to stop working.

    5 tips to consider during veterinary hygiene

    Generally; Veterinary hygiene includes taking care of the environment, animals, and preserving human health. There are several instructions and tips that make disinfection and cleaning easy and effective, including the following:

    • The presence of cleaning tools, the most important of which is to use The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer.
    • Disinfect and sterilize tools used for eating, drinking, examinations, or surgical operations and inspect them regularly.
    •  Wear appropriate clothing to protect you from any danger while cleaning, keep it clean and clean it if it becomes contaminated.
    • Cleaning and disinfecting people and vehicles entering or leaving the animal’s environment.
    • The person responsible for cleaning pays attention to cleanliness and washes his hands well with soap and water. 

    The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer

    There are many detergents that are effective in disinfecting, cleaning and deepening, examples of The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer the following:

    SCXD Disinfectant from F 

    It is a veterinary cleaner and disinfectant safe for all animals. It is used to sterilize Food utensils, disinfect hard surface equipment, and floor cleaner for animals. Its components are effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and also germs.

    Concentrated instrument disinfectant

    Concentrated Instrument Sanitizer is a quaternary ammonium chloride-based disinfectant effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and spores. It is also necessary to soak the tools for 10 minutes in it.

    F10 disinfectant

    It is widely recognized as, and some consider, the most effective and economical all-round disinfectant on the market The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer.

    Jalaz antiseptic and disinfectant

    Glaze Disinfectant and Sterilizer is designed for use in first aid, medical and personal hygiene situations.

    Disinfectant wipes  

    They are wipes effective against 99% of germs, including the Corona virus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 


    One of the disinfectants that is active in the presence of water, at low temperatures, and has high stability. It is also distinguished by its effectiveness in disinfecting farms, clinics, and means of transporting animals.


    The best veterinary cleaner and sterilizer, It is a broad spectrum disinfectant. It works against most types of bacteria and viruses, and is used to disinfect tools, farms, and clinics.

    Bioline cage cleaner

    It is a cleaning liquid with effective agents, and it contributes to combating unpleasant odors because it leaves a pleasant lemon scent. Yael Bioline is sprayed on the walls and floor.

    Master 20

    Cid 20 is a disinfectant used for emergency disease control, effective at low dilutions against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

    Verkon S

    It is a disinfectant that includes cleaning various surfaces, walls, walls, floors, and equipment, and it also provides 99.99% killing of many pathogens. It is used in a variety of different ways, including by spraying, wiping, or fumigating.


    Disinfection is vital to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Scientific studies have proven that the use of veterinary cleaners and disinfectants in areas where animals are located in general; Hospitals and animal instruments used in particular; It reduces the severity of the spread of infection between animals, and also enhances the general level of health.

    The first step in the cleaning and sterilization process depends on removing organic materials, then using disinfectants, then drying well. Examples of these sterilizers, disinfectants, and detergents include the following: Veterinary cleaner and sterilizer، Concentrated instrument disinfectant، F10 disinfectant، Jalaz antiseptic and disinfectant، Disinfectant wipes، مطهر TH4 DISINFECTANT، Bivirox، Bioline cage cleaner، Master 20، Verkon S.


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