The most important types of immunizations conducted for sheep and goats
sheep pox -
Vaccination is for him once a year. As for young lambs (less than a month), if they are vaccinated at this age, they must be re-vaccinated after 6 months of the first dose.
Group of clostridia diseases -
It is recommended that the immunization of pregnant ewes be two months before delivery, then another dose 4-6 weeks after the first dose, then the vaccination should be once annually.
charcoal fever -
Vaccination is done once a year and after the end of the season of births
brucellosis -
Immunization is given once in the life of sheep and goats.
Pasteurella (pneumonia) -
Immunization is done once a year or a protective vaccine is used when the disease appears
Pesticide -
For the treatment of external parasites by spraying or dipping
anthelmintics -
For the treatment of internal parasites and worms
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