The most important types of immunizations conducted for sheep and goats

أهم أنواع التحصينات التي تجرى للأغنام والماعز -

The most important types of immunizations conducted for sheep and goats

 sheep pox -

Vaccination is for him once a year. As for young lambs (less than a month), if they are vaccinated at this age, they must be re-vaccinated after 6 months of the first dose.

 Group of clostridia diseases -

It is recommended that the immunization of pregnant ewes be two months before delivery, then another dose 4-6 weeks after the first dose, then the vaccination should be once annually.

 charcoal fever -

Vaccination is done once a year and after the end of the season of births

 brucellosis -

Immunization is given once in the life of sheep and goats.

Pasteurella (pneumonia) -

Immunization is done once a year or a protective vaccine is used when the disease appears

  Pesticide -

For the treatment of external parasites by spraying or dipping

 anthelmintics -

For the treatment of internal parasites and worms

1 idea sobre "The most important types of immunizations conducted for sheep and goats"

خالد حسين احمد حسين

هل يتم التحصين دون اسباب وهل توءزي اذا كان الحملان سلام

February 3, 2025 at 12:08pm

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