Biochem for the treatment of theileriosis in cattle

بيوتاكيم لعلاج داء الثيليريا للماشية -

Prepare Biotakim To treat theileria in livestock The most important drug that contains the active ingredient that has been proven by medical research to treat or prevent theileria, and identifying it is an important point in successfully completing the treatment phase.

Theileriosis is known as a primary blood disease transmitted by ticks. It is considered one of the most widespread diseases throughout the world. It also causes huge economic losses due to high mortality rates and slow rates of growth and development of livestock.

Symptoms of blood parasites in cattle

To be used Biochem for the treatment of theileriosis in cattle For correct use, it is necessary to know the most important symptoms that appear on the animal as a result of exposure to the Theileria blood parasites:

  • exhaust.
  • Emphysema.
  • Anorexia.
  • Drooling.
  • Enlargement of the spleen and liver.
  • Decrease in Milk production.
  • High temperatures.
  • Difficulty and problems breathing.
  • Bleeding under the skin and muscles.
  • Minor discharge from the nose and eyes.
  • Enlarged superficial lymph nodes.
  • Yellow color changes around the eyes and outer membranes.
  • Decreased red blood cells and severe anemia (anaemia).
  • Increased fluid around the heart and lungs at a rate greater than normal.
  • Death often occurs due to suffocation.

The most important inexpensive methods for diagnosing Theileria disease in livestock

The veterinarian can confirm the occurrence of infection by several simple methods, including:

  • Perform a complete blood count analysis of suspected animals, and a significant decrease in the size and number of red blood cells may be noted.
  • Or by looking at the membranes surrounding the eyes or the genital areas, they become pale or yellow in color as a result of infection with theileria.

Treatment of theileria using Biotakim

Buparvaquone is known for its use in the treatment of theileria, and its effectiveness has been proven through real-life experiments.

and known Biotakim To treat theileria in livestock It is an anti-parasitic and is used in livestock, especially cows.

Theileria disease occurs in livestock as follows:

That a cow is bitten by a tick infected with the disease, and once the animal is bitten, the parasite takes about 6-8 weeks to multiply inside the cow’s blood cells, but the cow has a reaction, which is to try to destroy the parasite that lives inside its blood cells.

Unfortunately, this can cause the animal to lose a large amount of blood, which carries oxygen to the blood cells, causing symptoms.

found Biochem for the treatment of theileriosis in cattle In liquid form, it is given by intramuscular injection.

Cow's milk can also be used 48 hours after taking the medication, while meat can be used 42 days after the last dose given to the animal.

The usual dose injected into the neck is 1 mm per 20 kg of the animal’s body weight.

ingredients Biotakim And its effect on Theileria

It consists of the most famous active substance in the treatment of theileria, which is:

  • Buparvaquone 50 mg.
  • Other materials 1 mm.

This drug is effective and achieves desirable results at all stages of the parasite's development within the blood, and is not limited to treatment only during the period of symptoms, but can also be used as soon as livestock are bitten by a tick infected with Theileria and even the period before symptoms appear (the incubation period).

Biochem is designed to treat theileria for veterinary purposes only, therefore; It is recommended to consult a doctor before using it.

Uses of Biochem in the treatment of theileriosis

It is used for the treatment and prevention of the tick-borne disease Theileria, which is caused by Theileria parva or Theileria annulare.

It is also used to treat:

  • Theileriosis in Zimbabwe.
  • Tropical theileriasis.
  • East Coast Fever.
  • Corridor disease.

Methods of use Biotakim To improve its effectiveness in treating theileria

in The latest recent studies conducted on a drug Biotakim To treat theileria in livestock It has proven to be the most effective Medicines compared to others.

Researchers in the state of Punjab in India conducted an experiment that illustrates this by bringing in 109 cases of calves infected with Theileria, ranging in age from 6 days to 3 years. Most of them (86 cases) were injected with buparvaquone, which is present in the drug Biochem, and another group (27 cases) With oxytetracycline.

The result was as follows:

  • Oxytetracycline treated only 7 cases, or 30%.
  • While buparvaquone treated all cases with a rate of about (98.8%) except for one case, which was a severely affected calf that was ten days old.

From here it becomes clear that Biotakim To treat theileria in livestock more effective.

How can I effectively use Biochem to treat cases of tick-borne theileria?

  • Usually only one dose is taken Biochem for the treatment of theilariasis in cattle, However, it can be repeated if necessary after 48 to 72 hours.
  • It is not recommended for use in cases that are allergic to its components.
  • It is recommended to postpone any vaccination that the animal receives until after it has recovered from theileria.
  • It is not recommended to take it subcutaneously or intravenously.

How it works Biotakim In getting rid of theileria parasites?

Despite the strength and effect of Biochem on Theileria, the exact mechanism of action has not yet been determined, but it is believed that the active substance works by blocking the respiratory chain of the parasite.

Biochem and prevention of tick-borne parasitic diseases

I became famous material Buparvaquone component Biochem for the treatment of theilariasis in cattle It is a second generation and improved hydroxynaphtaquinone but with new features that make it an effective compound in the treatment and prevention of all forms of theileriosis.

The most famous treatments for cattle theleria

In addition to Biochem, there are several other medications that can be used, which have also proven effective, including the following: 

It is one of the anti-parasitics of Theileria, and is used in cows. It is a solution for intramuscular injection.

It contains buparvaquone, which is similar to... Biochem for the treatment of theilariasis in cattle- Which has proven its effectiveness in treating theileria in its various stages within the body.

  • Bobartik

  •  Intramuscular injections are also used to treat all types of Theileria. They are used in cattle, but Bubartic cannot be used in cases of dairy cows infected with Theileria.

  • Thylacid

  •  It is an anti-protozoal drug and also an anti-theileria drug, and the most important feature of Thylacid is that it can treat theileria before symptoms appear in the animal, and it also affects all stages of theileria and thus this substance works to treat theileria with high efficiency.

    They are effective and powerful injections given intramuscularly. It is preferable not to inject more than 10 ml in the same place so as not to leave a mark on the skin. It is an effective substance in treating blood parasites and treating and preventing theileria.


    Theileriosis is a protozoal disease transmitted by ticks.

    As it is counted Biotakim To treat theileria in livestock One of the most famous Medicines that contains the active ingredient (buparvaquone) has been proven by medical research to treat or prevent theileria.

    There are also other medications that are also effective in treating theileria, such as: Butalex، Bobartik، Thylacid، Parvaquin.


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