What do you know about Arabian horses?

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The Arabian horse is one of the light horse breeds in the world and it belongs to the Middle East region. Arabian horses are distinguished by their distinctive head and high tail. They are thus considered one of the easily recognizable species across the world. They are one of the oldest breeds of horses. Archaeological evidence traces the origins of Arabian horses back 4,500 years. Over the ages, Arabian horses started from the Arabian Peninsula and spread to the rest of the world, either through trade or wars. They are also used to breed with other breeds to improve the abilities of those breeds on patience, accuracy and speed. They have strong bones and authentic Arab blood. Therefore, Arabian horses are considered The most present in horse riding races

The main organic characteristics of purebred Arabian horses

Ears: small, thin tips, close and standing

Eyes: wide and bright, indicating intelligence, attention, kindness and serenity

Forehead: wide, convex, descending to a narrow tip of the nose, concave at the snout

The nostrils: wide, with thin skin around them

Tail: high-set, short-muscled

Neck: arched and long

Skin: net black under the hair, pink in colour

Tags (tagging) thin

Hair: Short, soft, shiny 

Height at the waist: between 145-160 cm, with an average of 150 cm

Physique: tends to be almost square in shape, rounded, symmetrical and naturally balanced

The purebred Arabian horse is considered to be the highest degree of authenticity in terms of the beauty of the external appearance, as its trunk is splendid in consistency and harmony, and is square in shape, as if it was specially created for the rider to ride. The height of the Arabian horse ranges from 150 to 160 cm, with an average of 155 cm. You may come across a purebred Arabian horse whose height does not exceed 145 cm. It is gray, grey, brown, tan, blond or black. Its head is small and thin, with a beautiful composition that suggests originality and gracefulness, symmetrical to the neck and the rest of the body. The bridge of the nose is slightly dusty, and this is a special feature of it that increases its elegance and beauty. As for his back, it is rich in muscles, with a wide horizontal (roomy) palace, and a broad chest that indicates the capacity of his lungs, thus increasing his ability to withstand effort. It should also be noted that the backbone of the Arabian horse differs from the rest of the horses, as the number of lumbar vertebrae is one or two less in the Arabian horse than in other horses. The Arabian horse is distinguished by its abundant sweating, good formation and positioning of its high tail

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