The lack of magnesium and its influence on the production of milk

نقص الماغنسيوم  وتاثيره على انتاج الالبان -

A disease caused by a deficiency of magnesium, which affects ruminants in particular, which produce milk. The disease appears particularly in early spring due to the deficiency of magnesium in the green fodder provided or during grazing

The disease also appears in calves in the post-weaning phase due to a lack of magnesium levels 

The most important symptoms that indicate the onset of the disease

- The animal suddenly stops grazing and shows abnormal signs of anxiety and excessive alertness (change in temperament). 

Muscle twitching and twitching, and the animal may fall to the ground

 Spasm in the lists and twitching in the muscles

 Zaid and saliva coming out of the mouth

It is possible for the animal to appear periods of calm and relaxation between spasms, but the occurrence of new excitement may re-emerge the symptoms.


Through the use of magnesium and calcium compounds intravenously and injecting a solution of magnesium sulfate (20%) under the skin at a rate of 1 ml per 2 kg of animal weight, and administering magnesium sulfate orally at a rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight.

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