Vitamin C


What is vitamin C? 

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning that it cannot be produced by the body but must be ingested

It has many roles in the body and has been linked to impressive health benefits

This vitamin is soluble in water

 It is found in many fruits and vegetables, including oranges, strawberries, kiwifruit, bell peppers, cauliflower, kale, and spinach.

Although it is generally recommended to take vitamin C by eating foods that contain it, many people resort to nutritional supplements to meet their needs because the amount needed by the body of this vitamin cannot be fully met by eating foods that contain it, especially the quality Foods and their quantities that the Arab citizen eats

In addition to the most important benefit that is not distinguished by others

It is ridding the liver of chemical toxins as a result of their accumulation there due to taking medicines (and how many of them are used in the Arab world)

As well as eating food of all kinds, especially canned ones.

There are 7 scientifically proven benefits of taking this vitamin supplement

A powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of chronic diseases, it is a powerful antioxidant as it can boost antioxidant levels in the blood, and this helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease


Helps fight high blood pressure. Taking vitamin C supplements has been found to lower blood pressure in healthy adults and adults with high blood pressure. 

Fights risk factors for heart disease, which reduces the risk of infection, as vitamin C supplements have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

These supplements lower the risk factors for heart disease, including bad cholesterol in the blood

 It lowers uric acid levels in the blood, thus helping to combat gout. Eating foods and supplements rich in vitamin C has been linked to lower levels of uric acid in the blood and a lower risk of gout

 Helps prevent iron deficiency by improving iron absorption Vitamin C can improve the absorption of iron that is poorly absorbed, such as iron from non-meat sources. It may also reduce the risk of iron deficiency

It boosts immunity by helping white blood cells work better, as it boosts immunity by helping white blood cells work more effectively, it strengthens the skin's defense system and helps wounds heal faster

 Protects memory and thinking with age. Low levels of vitamin C have been linked to an increased risk of memory and thinking disorders such as dementia and forgetfulness, while high intakes of vitamin C from foods and supplements have been shown to have an effective protective effect.


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