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Butasyl 100ml - Shopivet.com

Butasyl 100ml

60.50 د.إ.
Biotacell price and specifications Biotacyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Biotacyl is also used to treat arthritis in horses. Dosage and method of use of Biotacil Biotacyl is used...
Calmafos 500ml - Shopivet.com

Calmafos 500ml

71.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Calma Phos Calma Phos is a dietary supplement. Calma Phos is used to treat calcium deficiency in cases of milk fever. Calma Phos is used to...
Cazitel Plus 8Tablets - Shopivet.com

Cazitel Plus 8Tablets

110.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Casetel Plus Kazetil Plus tablets are a deworming for dogs. Kazetil Plus tablets are used for the prevention and treatment of tapeworms, roundworms, and pinworms. Casetil...
CYDECTIN 50 ml - Shopivet.com


99.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Sidectin  Sidectin is an injection solution for the treatment of internal and external parasites. Sidectin eliminates parasites with one injection effectively and safely. Sidectin gives distinctive...
DECTOMAX 200ml - Shopivet.com


324.50 د.إ.
Dictomax price and specifications  Dectomex is a distinctive medicine for treating external and internal parasites. Dictomax contains doramectin as the active ingredient. Dictomax is used to treat and prevent cattle,...
Dectomax 50ml - Shopivet.com

Dectomax 50ml

115.50 د.إ.
Dectomax price and specifications  Dectomax a distinctive medicine for treating external and internal parasites. Dectomax contains doramectin as the active ingredient. Dectomax is used in the treatment and prevention of...
Duphafral D3 1000 10ML - Shopivet.com

Duphafral D3 1000 10ML

121.00 د.إ.
Dofaferal price and specifications Dofaferal is an injection solution for the prevention and treatment of Milk fever that results from a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Dofaferal is used...
Duphalyte 500 ml - Shopivet.com

Duphalyte 500 ml

60.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications Duphalyte solution for injection for protein deficiency Duphalyte is a solution for injection, containing vitamins, minerals and salts. Duphalyte is used in cases of dehydration and protein...
Equest Oral Gel - Shopivet.com

Equest Oral Gel

82.50 د.إ. 60.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Acquest - An effective anti-parasitic for horses   Equeste is an antiparasitic effective against a wide range of internal parasites of horses, ponies, mares and foals.  Equist...
Equest Pramox - Shopivet.com

Equest Pramox

99.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Equest Pramox Equest Pramox is a decoction for treating intestinal worms. Dosage and method of use of Equest Pramox It is preferable to use Equest Pramox...
EXCEDE 100ml - Shopivet.com

EXCEDE 100ml

715.00 د.إ.
Exceed price and specifications  Exceed is Safety Fuel 20%. Oxide is used to treat uterine infections. Dosage and method of use of Oxide  Dosage: 1.5 ml per 100 kg of...
Lectade plus 100 - Shopivet.com

Lectade plus 62.7gm

16.50 د.إ.
Lactad Plus price and specifications Lactad Plus is an oral fluid replacement therapy. Lactad Plus is used to treat dehydration in calves. Dosage and method of use of Lactad Plus...
Linco-spectin 100 ml - Shopivet.com

Linco-spectin 100 ml

132.00 د.إ.
Lincospectin price and specifications  Lincospectin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which contains lincospectin and spectomycin. Lincospectin is used to treat bacterial infections. It works against many types of bacteria, such as:...
Linco-Spectin 100 Powder 150g - Shopivet.com

Linco-Spectin 100 Powder 150g

203.50 د.إ.
Lincospectin price and specifications Lincospectin is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Lincospectin is used to treat cases of severe respiratory infections in birds using the substances mycin and spectomycin. Dosage...
Revolution for Cats 3Doses - Shopivet.com

Revolution for Cats 3Doses

173.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Revolution for cats Revolution protects your cat from heartworms and fleas. Revolution kills adult fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae in the environment. Revolution controls flea...
Revolution for medium dog 3 doses - Shopivet.com

Revolution for medium dog 3 doses

121.00 د.إ.
Revolution price and specifications  Revolution is a broad-spectrum topical parasiticide that treats and protects against internal and external parasites. Revolution is used to combat heartworms, and works to prevent ticks...
Revolution Topical Solution for Puppies and Kittens 3 Doses - Shopivet.com

Revolution Topical Solution for Puppies and Kittens 3 Doses

143.00 د.إ.
Revolution price and specifications  Revolution is an effective treatment for insects and external parasites in dogs and cats up to Month old. Add it to your cart now
Simparica TRIO 10 - 20kg 3Doses - Shopivet.com

Simparica TRIO 10 - 20kg 3 Doses

275.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Simbarica Trio Cymbarica Trio is a once-monthly chewable tablet. Simparica Trio protects your dog with three proven ingredients designed to defend your dog against parasites.  Simparica...
Simparica TRIO 2.5 - 5kg 3Doses - Shopivet.com

Simparica TRIO 2.5 - 5kg 3Doses

253.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Simbarica Trio Cymbarica Trio is a once-monthly chewable tablet. Simparica Trio protects your dog with three proven ingredients designed to defend your dog against parasites.  Simparica...
Simparica TRIO 20-40 kg 3Doses - Shopivet.com

Simparica TRIO 20 - 40kg 3 Doses

297.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Simbarica Trio Cymbarica Trio is a once-monthly chewable tablet. Simparica Trio protects your dog with three proven ingredients designed to defend your dog against parasites.  Simparica...