10.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of paraffin oil Paraffin oil is used to treat constipation in horses. Paraffin oil can also be used as a laxative in other species, such as dogs...
68.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Ultra Cooper Ultra Copper is a nutritional supplement that contains copper. Ultra Copper is used for the prevention and treatment of copper deficiency. Ultra Copper is...
Falcon rehydro 100 gm
94.50 د.إ.
Falcon Rehydro price and specifications Falcon Rehydro is a mixture of vitamins, salts, and amino acids. Falcon Rehydro is used to treat cases of dehydration, diarrhea, while moving, and overexertion....
78.75 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Introvit C Entrovit C is a mixture of vitamins, salts, vitamin C, and ascorbic acid. Enterovit C is used to treat vitamin C deficiency. Enterovit C...
NOVA E-SELEN 500 1kg
52.50 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Nova iCeline Nova E Selen contains vitamin C and selenium. Nova i-Celine is used to stimulate the growth of birds and poultry. Nova i-Celine prevents reproductive...
MUCOLIN -m 1 liter
63.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Myoculin M Myoculin M is a treatment for respiratory infections. Dosage and method of use of Myoculin M Myoculin is not used in laying hens. Myoculin...
BOSS 50 ml
94.50 د.إ.
Inch price and specifications Poss is an injection solution for the treatment and prevention of internal and external parasites. Dosage and method of use Bose is used by subcutaneous injection....
Doracide 50 ml
63.00 د.إ.
Duracid price and specifications Duracid is an antiparasitic containing Doramectin 1%. Duracid is used to treat intestinal worms and internal parasites that infect the digestive system and intestines. Duracid helps...
99.75 د.إ.
Bio Strong price and specifications Bio-Estrogen is a general tonic and anti-stress agent. Bio Strong works to improve the body's health and resistance. Dosage and method of use of Bio...
Rumilax 450 gm
15.75 د.إ.
Romelax price and specifications Romilax is a food disinfectant and laxative in horses, camels, and cattle. Dosage and method of use of Romilax Dosage in horses, camels, and cattle: As...
Tramel Mega B1 500 gm
99.75 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Trammel Mega B1 Tramil Mega B1 is a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and vitamin B1 as a basic and main component to provide the animal...
L-Carnitin 1kg
525.00 د.إ.
Price and specifications of L-carnitine L-carnitine is a very important factor necessary for muscle performance and improving their efficiency. Carnitine provides the animal with energy and reduces stress resulting from...
AminoTien 1 kg
57.75 د.إ.
Aminotin price and specifications Aminutin is a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and mineral salts. Aminutin is used to increase efficiency and improve the vital functions of the animal. Aminutin...
204.75 د.إ.
Selinavit price and specifications Selinavit is a powder that contains essential vitamins, amino acids, and important nutrients for the body that horses need on a daily basis. Dosage and method...
Coppraid 2 g 100 capsules
Cobrad price and specifications Cuprad is copper capsules, used for the prevention and treatment of copper and selenium deficiencies. Cuprad is also used to treat diseases resulting from it in...
Copperrods 4g
63.00 د.إ.
Cuprods price and specifications Cuprods are capsules rich in copper. Cuprods is used to treat severe copper deficiency in sheep. Cuprod also treats growth deficiency and poor appetite in animals....
Stockholm Tar in A Tub
89.25 د.إ.
Stockholm Tar price and specifications Stockholm Tar is an antibacterial hoof bandage, derived from pine trees Stockholm Tar is also antiseptic and water resistant. Stockholm Tar is tough and effective...
Megolax 450 g
31.50 د.إ.
Megalax price and specifications Megalax is an anti-toxin and diuretic powder. Megalax also contains nutrients and minerals such as sodium and potassium, which are very important for animal growth. Warnings...
57.75 د.إ.
Price and specifications of Calmasol Calmasol is an intravenous calcium solution. Calmasol is used to treat cases of calcium deficiency, allergies, urticaria, and severe bleeding. Calmasol is used in cattle,...
Cidental 250 ml
47.25 د.إ.
Price and specifications Cidental Cidental is a treatment for all wounds, preventing necrosis and maggot formation in wounds. Dosage and method of use of Cidental Clean, wash and dry the...