3F Artemia Flat Pack 1 KG Frozen
147.00 AED
Frozen Artemia is wild caught and selected for size and purity which stimulates your fish's appetite and does not pollute the water. It is suitable for both marine water fish and fresh...
3F Bloodworms 1KG Frozen
189.00 AED
Since almost all freshwater fish love to eat this food, it is one of the best selling products. Suitable for all freshwater fish, but not recommended for discus and cichlids....
3F Discus Special 1KG Frozen
199.50 AED
The 3F Discus Special Blend contains high-protein beef heart as well as other natural products such as krill, brine shrimp and myx. Garlic is added to prevent worm diseases. For specific information...
3F Discus SPECIAL Premium Mix 95g
21.00 AED
The 3F Discus Special Blend contains high-protein beef heart as well as other natural products: krill, brine shrimp and myx. Garlic is added to prevent worm diseases.
3F Frozen Discus Mix 95g
21.00 AED
High-protein beef heart and spinach are the foundation of this high-quality blend. Garlic is added to prevent worm diseases.
3F Frozen Krill Superba fishfood 95 g
31.50 AED
Large shrimp up to 6 cm long, rich in protein and well suited for freshwater and large marine fish. In nature, these shrimp feed directly on phytoplankton, which is great for...
3F Frozen Micro Plankton Coral Food 95 g
21.00 AED
The mixture of zooplankton and phytoplankton is an ideal food for filter feeders, sponges, corals and anemones.
3F Frozen Red Plankton fishfood 95 g
21.00 AED
Contains the omnivorous copepod, Calanus sp. These zooplankton are rich in natural carotenoid pigments that can greatly improve the color of marine organisms. Excellent food for all your fish, corals and invertebrates.
3F Invertebrates Frozen Food 95g
21.00 AED
Premium frozen food for marine invertebrates manufactured in the Netherlands
3F Krill Pacifica 1KG Frozen
152.25 AED
A popular food for both freshwater fish and marine fish. High protein food ideal for larger fish. Pacifica krill is a small shrimp (about 1 cm long) and feeds on other...
Ruto Frozen Bloodworm Blister 100 g
31.50 AED
Premium red label frozen fish food manufactured in Holland