
Nekton Biotic Bird Probiotics for Birds 250 g

99.75 AED
Price and specifications Nekton Biotic Bird  Nekton Biotic Bird is a probiotic supplement for all types of birds. Nekton Biotic Bird supports the beneficial bacteria in the bird's gut. Nekton...

Nekton biotin 150g

147.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Biotin  Nekton Biotin is a vitamin that supports a smooth molting process. Nekton Biotin helps rejuvenate feathers. Nekton Biotin also contains all the essential vitamins,...

Nekton biotin 35g for feather care for birds

52.50 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Biotin  Nekton Biotin is a vitamin that supports a smooth molting process. Nekton Biotin helps rejuvenate feathers. Nekton Biotin also contains all the essential vitamins,...

Nekton biotin 700g

420.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Biotin  Nekton Biotin is a vitamin that supports a smooth molting process. Nekton Biotin helps rejuvenate feathers. Nekton Biotin also contains all the essential vitamins,...

Nekton biotin 75g

84.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Biotin  Nekton Biotin is a vitamin that supports a smooth molting process. Nekton Biotin helps rejuvenate feathers. Nekton Biotin also contains all the essential vitamins,...

NEKTON Booster 30gm for building bird muscles

47.25 AED
Nikon Booster Price and Specifications Nekton Booster is a food supplement for birds. Helps support building, regenerating muscle, and resisting weakness. Dosage and method of use of Nikton Booster Dosage...

NEKTON Calcium-plus 35g

52.50 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Calcium Plus Nekton Calcium Plus contains calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B, which is well-absorbed and quickly absorbed.  Nekton Calcium Plus helps reproduce and increase fertility...


42.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Cat VM Contains all essential vitamins and minerals for cats, plus the amino acid taurine and the amino acid arginine. All ingredients have been specially...

NEKTON Dog VM 120g

94.50 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Dodge VM Vitamins are one of the nutritional factors of fundamental importance to the body of animals. When preparing feed rations, a large number of...


136.50 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton-E  Nekton-E is a nutritional supplement for birds and finches, containing Vitamin E. Nekton-E helps maintain muscle function and produce hormones normally. Nekton-E also improves fertility,...

Nekton E 600g

346.50 AED
Nekton-E price and specifications  Nekton-E is a nutritional supplement for birds and finches, containing vitamin E. Necton-E helps maintain muscle function and produce hormones normally. Nekton-E also improves fertility, maintains...


57.75 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton-E  Nekton-E is a nutritional supplement for birds and finches, containing Vitamin E. Nekton-E helps maintain muscle function and produce hormones normally. Nekton-E also improves fertility,...


357.00 AED 294.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton R It is a nutritional supplement for pet birds specially developed to intensify the color of red areas in feathers. Nekton R prevents feather colors from...

NEKTON Rep Calcium +D3 65g

42.00 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton Rep Calcium D3 Vitamin E has many functions in animals, but its main function is to protect cells from oxidative damage – it enhances the protection...

nekton S 150g

99.75 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton S  Nekton S is a general group of vitamins for birds. Nekton S supports birds' metabolic processes. Nekton S significantly increases the usability of all...

nekton S 35 g

47.25 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton S  Nekton S is a general group of vitamins for birds. Nekton S supports birds' metabolic processes. Nekton S significantly increases the usability of all...

Nekton s 700g

299.25 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton S Nekton S is a general vitamin for birds. Nekton S supports metabolic processes in birds. Nekton S significantly increases the usability of all absorbed...

nekton S 75g

78.75 AED
Price and specifications of Nekton S  Nekton S is a general vitamin for birds. Nekton S supports metabolic processes in birds. Nekton S significantly increases the usability of all absorbed...

Nekton-B-Komplex 35g

73.50 AED
Price and specifications Nekton-B-Komplex Nekton-B-Komplex a source of Vitamin B Complex for birds. Dosage and method of use of Nekton-B-Komplex Nekton-B-Komplex is applied to drinking water. Dosage in young birds:...