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Total price: 0.00 AED 80.00 AED
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Cofacalcium 500ml (calcium )

52.50 AED
Price and specifications Cofacalcium Cofacalcium is a solution of calcium salts. Cofacalcium is used to reduce mastitis. It is used to protect against milk fever. It is used to increase...

COFAFER 100 ml

84.00 AED
Price and specifications of Covavir Covavir is an injection solution, used for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Dosage and method of use of Covavir Covavir is used...

DEXALONE Solution 100ml

73.50 AED
Dexalon price and specifications Dexalon is an anti-inflammatory, which contains dexamethasone. Dexalon is used to treat inflammatory, allergic, or traumatic conditions, and to treat preeclampsia. Dosage and method of use...


78.75 AED
HEPARENOL price and specifications HEPARENOL is a solution used for dialysis, liver rehabilitation, and maintenance after injury. Dosage and method of use of HEPARENOL HEPARENOL is added to the drinking...