Adecon Fatro AD3E 100ml

63.00 AED
I am a fatu AD3E A nutritional supplement containing a group of vitamins that works to treat vitamin deficiency in cows. Product Specifications A nutritional supplement used in the prevention...

Endofer - 100 ml

115.50 AED
Iron Endofer Endofer The Italian iron needle consists of 100 mg of iron in the form of iron dextran.. Product Specifications Endofer is an injectable solution specifically designed to treat...

FA.TRY.BANIL R.T.U. 100 ml

99.75 AED
Vatripanil price and specifications Vatrepanil is an injection solution for the treatment of internal parasites and blood parasites such as Trypanosoma, Babesia, and Theileria. Vatrepanil is used for all animals....

Fenleve 10 ketoprofen 100ml

63.00 AED
Fenleve 10 price and specifications Fenleve 10 is an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory solution for injection. Fenleve 10 is used in horses and cattle. Dosage and method of use of Fenleve...

Hepagen for Liver support 100ml

84.00 AED
Hepagen price and specifications Hepagen is an injectable solution for cases of indigestion, bloating, and poor appetite. Hepagen is also used to treat liver diseases. Hepagen also helps treat intestinal...

Metabolase 500 ml

99.75 AED
Price and specifications of Metabolase to relieve pressure and stress Metabolase is an injectable solution used to relieve stress caused by animals and reduce stress resulting from overwork. Metabolase is...

Metabolase Forte 100ml

99.75 AED
Price and specifications of Metabolase Forte  Metabolase Forte is an injection solution used for cases of malnutrition Metabolase Forte is used to treat liver disease and heart disease Metabolase Forte...

Reuflogin 100 ml anti-inflammatory

63.00 AED
Price and specifications Reuflogin Reuflogin is an injection solution used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic in cattle and horses. Dosage and method of use of Reuflogin Reuflogin is used...

selevit 100ml

52.50 AED
Price and specifications Selevit Selevit is a nutritional supplement  selevit contains vitamin E, vitamin B12 and selenium Selevit is used as a muscle strengthener Selevit is used in cases of...